Going to the golden state basketball game with my dad

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Gianna POV
I decided I get up and go downstairs and get something to eat and go back upstairs and take a shower after I took my shower i put on my outfit
I go back downstairs and I saw my dad sitting in the living room so I join him.

Kobe POV
I already took my shower so I'm in the living room watching the football game and i saw Gigi sitting by me.
Kobe: hey gigi
Gianna:hey dad so what are we doing today
Kobe: I was thinking we should go to the golden state Vs the suns game today.
Gianna:really I would love to go with you dad
Kobe:ok it's start at 5:30

Gianna POV
I was getting ready for the game and my dad call me Gigi come let go! Ok I'm coming we was getting in the car and we make it to the game when I get inside the stadium with my dad everybody kept calling
My name and my dad name so I wave at them and
I went to my seat and sit down with my dad we was on the first row so the game was going pretty good I was shocked that Stephen Curry kept on dunking like crazy so I was clapping for him.

Kobe POV
so we made it to the stadium and everyone kept on calling gigi name and my name so we wave at them at the same time so we going to our seats on the first row and set down at the same time so the game was going like really good and crazy Stephen Curry was like dunking crazy I think he was trying to impress me and Gigi and it work so durning half time I saw Kevin Hart so I greet him with a handshake and we talk and I said would you like to meet my daughter Gianna and he said I would love you to so I call Gigi Gigi got so happy When she meet Kevin Hart so the game was almost over so me and Gigi decided leave early .

Gianna POV
So it was durning half time and the corner of my eye I saw my dad was getting up was doing a handshake with Kevin Hart y'all let me tell you I was happy so 5 seconds later my dad tell me to come here so I did and Kevin Hart greet me with a nice warm hug and then after he grab my both hands and cover with his hands and said hope you are enjoy the game and hope you having a great night and I said thank you you too and We took a couple pictures with Kevin Hart and I sit back down with my dad so it was the 4th quarter and me and my dad wanna to leave early do we did so me and we was walking I was turning around to see we're my dad was he was hugging the Fans so I just waited on him then 4 seconds later we was walking so I flipped my hair to the side and walked out of the stadium with my dad.

Gigi:thank you dad i have an amazing night with you
Kobe: you welcome Gigi I'm glad you have amazing night.

Kobe POV
So we made it to the house and I saw nani and coco and bianka and Capri and my wife Vanessa there was watching a show with the kids so I join them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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