Chapter 6: Alter

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What are you...

Anna looks down at the cup of tea in her hands and gazes at her reflection, it was still her but something felt... off...

It was barely noticeable at first but there was an odd sensation coursing through her at the moment, it felt like a change was occurring, just one she couldn't notice right away.

Everything just felt... off...

Suddenly the sound of one final loud clack snapped her to her senses and the sound of a chair swiveling to face her rang through her head much louder than before.

Vincent: well i've got some news...

His voice was crystal clear despite sounding like his usual mutterings that are barely above a whisper.

Anna: what is it? Did you figure out what that liquid was?

Vincent: unfortunately no... mainly as it seems completely alien to anything we've seen up to this point, though it is highly toxic to humans

Anna: what? but-

Vincent: I know, you forced to drink a large amount of it, right?

Anna: yeah, enough for a "Marker Dosage" is what I heard...

Vincent: hmm...

The doctor puts his hand to his chin in thought for a moment before an all too familiar glint can be seen in his eyes, one Anna has gotten used to seeing when he gets an idea.

Anna: let me guess, you've thought of a possibility?

Vincent: yeah, but it'll require some testing.

Anna: well you're ideas are usually right... so what's this test?

Vincent: first of all answer this for me

His cold blue eyes lock onto Anna and for a moment she feels her blood run cold at this.

What was this feeling? Anytime Vincent had done this before she'd never felt fear like this...

Vincent: I can tell you've been hiding something from me, what is it?

Anna: huh? I've told you everything though-

Vincent: no you haven't, I can see it in your eyes and especially in how quiet you've been... there's something you're not telling me

Something inside of Anna felt like it wanted to flee, as if it had just met a bigger-

Anna: ...predator

Vincent: hmmm?

Anna: I just- I got an odd feeling... something inside was making me feel afraid of you, it saw you as the bigger predator...

Vincent: hmm... is that so? And I guess it's not normal for you to be afraid when I lock eyes with you?

Anna: of course not you idiot! Who in their right mind would actually be afraid of you?!

A chuckle escapes from him as he shakes his head a little.

Vincent: fair enough I suppose... so this feeling though, when did it start?

Anna: only recently... and on top of that fear it feels like something's changing...

Vincent: something within I presume?

Anna: yeah, how did you know?

Vincent: ...follow me.

Without another word the doctor stands up and walks out of his office and down the hallway with Anna tailing behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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