History repeats

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Sasuke pov

I won't lie, I was starting to get used to having my pink haired beauty sleeping next to me at night. I rolled slowly away from her but made sure to wrap the blankets around her so she'd stay warm. I got dressed and walked silently out the door.Once outside I stretched but then winced at the sharp pain in my back. The sun was just starting to rise and starting to cast a orange glow over the village. I made my way toward the rose petal covered lake that Sakura and I had visited as we left the village. Once there a nice chilled breeze blew by, rose petals slowly rippled across the top of the lake. I came here to remind myself of Sakura and my first kiss as a true couple and to try to get my mind off the pain that was starting to slowly spread from the middle of my back to my upper and lower back.

I stared at myself in the reflection of the lake, my hair still kept its normal duck butt shape but recently it had grown shaggy. So much so that now my left bangs would fall in my my face covering my left eye.
'Your happy with her right Uchiha?' My inner asked. That's exactly when I admitted something to myself, that I Sasuke Uchiha was afraid of losing my cherry blossom and afraid of this poison getting the better of me. What if I would leave her behind by herself, something that I would never willingly do.

"You look deep in thought." Came a voice. Snapping my head in their direction I activated my sharigan out of habit.

The red headed Shia stood a little ways off giving me a sneer."Tell me something before I kill you again, how are you still alive?" I asked. She gave me a smile then the long black barbed tail sprouted behind her, "Don't worry about it. In a few minutes it won't matter." She rushed towards me with more speed then she showed last time. I dodged her strike then planted a forceful kick to her stomach that blew her back into the lake. A few seconds later she rose up out of the water and gave a laugh, "You are quick." She said. Blood started to fall from her eyes, the sign that she had activated her kenkai genkai. She climbed up out of the lake and continued to smile at me, "I won't be the one to die this time Uchiha." It was my turn to smirk.

"Really? You think I'll just stand here and let you kill me?" I asked. Not waiting for an answer I rushed forward with my katana drawn. Once I grew closer she thrusted her left hand at me which turned into a large black pincer. I tried to block it but I was going to fast, she grabbed me by the arm and slung me hard to the ground.

"NOW DIE!" She screamed. She thrusted her tail forward aimed right at my heart.

"Chidori stream!" I yelled, a wave of lightning arched off me and zapped her backwards. Jumping to my feet only then I was back handed into a tree, my sword skidded away from me. I groaned and stumbled trying to stand that's when she pinned me against the trunk of the tree.

"I still remember how you killed me and my innocent baby. That look in your eyes is not one I'll soon forget. Now let me repay the favor." She whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes but they stung, black dots covered my vision and my head was bleeding so putting her in a genjutsu is out of the question. I could activate my curse mark but there's no guarantee the poison wouldn't effect it or I'd be fast enough to escape without getting hit.

"Now die!" She yelled.

"Oh no you don't!" Another voice yelled, next thing I know I'm being thrown onto the ground and I hear Shia scream in pain.

"Sasuke-kun are you ok?" Came a girls voice from my side, my vision was clearing up. But to my surprise the face I saw was Aym's. She gave me a smile then handed me my katana which was stained with fresh blood.Looking around I spotted Shia, "I cut off her tail." Aym said as if answering my question of what happened. Shia stumbled then looked at us with a look of pure hate.

"I'll kill you both!" She screamed as she approached us.

"Stay back. I'll handle her." I said. I readied my katana, my sharigan and then raced to meet her half way.

She ended up cutting my arm, I stabbed her with my sword then created a large Chidori. Shia laughed spun around and grabbed Aym by the throat, "Go ahead Uchiha! Kill this poor innocent child like you did my unborn baby!" Shia screamed.

"I'M NOT A KID!!" Aym screamed as she took out a kunai and sank it into Shia's thigh. Shia screamed in pain and let go of Aym who jumped away from the other girl, I charged a chidori and zoomed forward sending my lightning filled palm straight threw her chest causing blood to splatter all over me. Shia jumped backwards which really surprised me that she was still able to move with a bleeding hole in her chest. She gave me a bloody smile, her right hand covered the bloody hole in her chest.

"How are you not dead? I sent that threw your heart!" I yelled in annoyance, that's when I noticed I couldn't move.

"You finally noticed? Don't you remember what I can do with my blood." Shia said. My eyes widened in realization, in a quick movement Shia was in front of me ready to swing. Aym appeared at my side but was knocked backwards onto the ground, "Stupid girl!" Shia exclaimed. She turned back to face me, smiled and swung at me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the pain to hit but when it didn't I opened my eyes to see Shia's cold bloody and lifeless eyes staring back at me. She had died just before she could hit me. Aym groaned then sat up, "You ok Sasuke-kun?" she asked.

I nodded and fell to my knees as my body began to loosen.

"Come on. I'll help you get back to your hotel." Aym said helping me stand.

To be cont...

Sasuke and Sakura-Black Scorpion Scroll (Book 2:Revised)Where stories live. Discover now