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//𝑑𝑎𝑑'𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑛 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑦-𝑢𝑝//
"maybe you shouldn't have called me gross, huh."
y/n pov!

i guess its what's expected from an eventful night of crying. i don't even know why i was crying in the first place, i'm usually not the over-dramatic type. so why, when it comes to mr. daniel seavey, i seem to have my emotions amplified to a thousand?

i quickly got dressed, finding one of daniel's sweatshirts sprawled on my floor. knowing that it was clean, i put it on. it still smells like him. i pair it with my favourite mom jeans and basic air forces. my fingers instinctively moved to my necklace, playing with the flower charm, stroking my thumb over the chipped petal and missing diamond in the centre. broken, just like me.

i force myself to move away from the mirror; to look away from the fantasy of ever being more than just a childhood best friend; to look away from the one-sided sparks i felt; to look away from every good fake memory we made.
and suddenly, here i am walking away from him all over again.

i pick up my bag from the corner of the room and rush downstairs, putting my bag down beside me and taking a seat at the table by lexi who was already stuffing her face in dad's famous breakfast fry-up. he takes one day off once a week, only if he can't pick up anymore shifts, and works full time for pretty much all hours of the day. i know he wants to spend more time with us but it's practically impossible with all the debts mum left us with- dad is just trying to keep us 'well-funded'.

"here, sweets." dad placed my breakfast in front of me. i smiled thankfully at him in return. i could tell he noticed my dishevelled state, i know he'll try to lift up my spirits before i leave for school.
sweets. that was my old nickname. daniel thought of it when we were younger because i hoarded all the halloween candy- by that i mean i stole all of his. dad is about the only person who still uses it.

"lex, you put any more bacon in your mouth and you'll choke." half-joking, half-serious.
she slowed down just slightly, "i... done." she spoke with a mouthful of food.
"gross." i murmured under my breath, enough so she could hear but dad couldn't.
lexi gave her signature death glare, a glare i'd say was genetic and coursed through our dna.

"i like your sweatshirt, y/n." dad complimented, "is it new?"
i tensed slightly, a gesture neither of them picked up on.
lexi swallowed her mouthful before replying, "nope. it's daniel's!" she grinned cheekily at me.
i glared back at her.
"maybe you shouldn't have called me gross, huh," lexi mock-pouted at me in sarcasm. what happened to the ice-cream-and-cry-about-boys-buddy lexi?

"seavey?" dad asked, surprised but essentially happy.
"yeah." i replied, wishing to sink down deeper into my seat.
"are you guys friends again? my, i always did like the seavey's- especially daniel. he was such the little gentleman. it's been like forever since i last spoke to keri and jeff, i really should get in contact with them," dad gushed, seeming to talk to himself, not seeing my clearly saddened features.

i forced a smile before standing up to finish getting ready, "yeah, we started talking again but right now i need to go to school."
"sure, yeah. go get ready, sweets. just remember: i want to finish this conversation when you get back, okay." he excused me, almost mock-authoritatively, just the way dad always is, "you too, lex. go."

"i thought you two broke up last night," lexi whispered into my ear as we walked back downstairs.
"kind of." i replied.
"so we finished all our ice cream and tissues for no reason?" she seemed almost mad. but i knew she wanted every excuse to binge-watch and stuff her face with her favourite ice cream.
"no. we will but it's undecided," i replied, extremely vaguely.

we grabbed our bags and walked out the door.
"you haven't been making any sense since you started dating seavey, you know." she stated, almost as if it was public knowledge.
"so what, i'm a changed woman." i stated, not letting her daniel comments get to me.
"all for the best i hope." she murmured.

"all have you know, i don't need seavey to make me better. i'm just as capable of getting there myself," i turned to face her, my finger waving in front of her to prove my point. i was partially proving it to her, and partially trying to prove it to myself. i am so over you, seavey. just the way i was for the past six years.
lexi just looked stunned, eyes glancing behind me.

"you don't need me?" an unmistakable low whisper of a voice spoke behind me. it sounded almost broken.
i didn't want to turn around. if i did, he'd see the pain in my eyes. but it was daniel. my body instinctively moved slowly to face him. he looked almost as dishevelled as me. i could read it all in his aqua blue eyes. although a part of me wished he was just as pained to say goodbye to the very well executed fake relationship as me, that most likely wasn't the reason. whatever it was, i hope he feels better.

"seavey, what are you doing here?" my little sister spoke up, almost defensively. was she trying to stick up for me? that thought made me grin a little.
"seavey! wow, look how much you've grown!" a deep voice yelled in excitement behind me. dad.

"mr. l/n! it's been so long," he sighed in disbelief, masking the previous hurt in his eyes and expression with a cheery attitude.
"what are you doing here, son?" dad questioned.
i stood watching their interaction, lexi joining me and occasionally murmuring under her breath.
"i was just here to pick y/n up," he smiled at my dad.
dad was obviously ecstatic to see us together- almost like we're back to the the good old days.

"she's all yours,"

MAKE HER JEALOUS, d.seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now