26: Memory Loss

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(A/N: Make sure to read the a/n thing at the end. Imporant stuff.'')

Beep. Beep. Beep. I slightly open my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital room. I look around to see if anyone is around. Brayden.

''Brayden? What are you doing here?'' He quickly came over to me kissed me.

"I'm so glad you woke up.'' He smiles.

"I'm still mad at you for saying maybe on the marriage thing.'' I say.

''Wait. That's it?'' He says, with a confused face.

I chuckle. ''Yeah? What have you done?''

Then he chuckles. "Nothing, the doctors said you might of have a little bit of memory loss.''

''All I remeber is going to call you to tell you we're having identical twins.''

He smiles and I do too. ''Now, let's go home. The doctor said as soon as you're awake, we can go.''

''Can we go to Stacy's and Graser's first I need to ask Stacy something.'' He agreed and we left to Stacy's house.

''So how'd you get here?'' I ask Brayden.

''I flew? As soon as I heard that you fainted, I asked my buddy that works at the airport to hook me up with a ticket and he did.''

''Wow, I was out for that long huh?'' Brayden didin't answer and just kept driving.

''You know you're wasting all your money on me!''

''Yeah, but it's worth it if I get to see you.'' I secretly smile. When we got there and I knocked on the door.

''Oh my god! Lia! You're ok. Brayden?'' Stacy went up to me and hugged me.

''Yeah. He flew here. But I'm here to ask you something. What happen that made me faint?'' I ask her.

She looks at Brayden then at me.

''I think it was a sunny day outside so yeah.''

''Oh. Alright.''

''Brayden, can I talk to you?'' Stacy says to Brayden.

''Yeah sure.'' They went somewhere private while me and Graser stood there talking.

''So, how are your babies?'' Graser asks me

''Fine. I found out their going to be identical.'' He widends his eyes. ''Oh no! 2 of you walking on this earth?! What a nightmare!'' He laughs and I do too. Brayden and Stacy gets back and I say goodbye to Stacy and Graser.

''What were you and Stacy talking about.'' I asked Brayden while we were in the car. He took a few seconds to reply.

''Baby things.'' He said without looking at me, which made me believe that he was lying. But I didn't want to start anything.

We arrived to my house and my parents quickly saw us come in. "Lia! You're here. You're ok. My baby is ok.'' My mother ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, so did my brother, and my dad. ''It's fine guys. We're fine.'' I say looking down at my stomach.

Brayden and I talked to my parents for a while, but then went to my room to sleep. ''God, I'm so tired.'' I yawned. ''Yeah, rough day. Tomorrow is going to be rougher, I'm going to be going home, sadly.''

I whine. ''Babe! Like I said again, you're spending all your money!'' I see him grin. '' Like I said again, at least I get to see you.'' I blushed and I throw my leg over him so I'm on top of him.

''Ooomph.'' He says, and I frown. Big time. ''I'm getting fat aren't I?'' I quickly get off of him and sigh. I see him frown. ''Lia, you're beautiful, and totally smack dab gorgeous. It doesn't matter if you put on some weight or not. That's what happens to all pregnant women.''

''So, your calling me fat?!'' I see his eyes widen. ''No! I mean I-'' I chuckle. ''I'm just kidding. Thank you.'' I start to kiss him, but seconds after, it turns to a makeout session. ''Ok, let's not make this happen again. At least till the kids are like, 1 year old.'' I say.

''1 year old?!?! I can't wait that long. You're too sexy!'' He turned the lights off. ''5 months?'' I hear him tsking. ''1 month.'' He says and I start laughing. ''Yeah right. My private area would still be torn from the birth.''

''TMI.'' He says and I giggle. ''You're fault. Well, anyways. I'm tired. I love you Brayden.'' I give him a kiss and go to sleep. ''I love you too Lia. And you Emma and Stella.'' My eyes shot open and I quickly turn the lights on.

''Emma and Stella? That's what you think we're going to name the girls?'' I smirk. ''Yeah why not.'' I scoff.

''We need to think of a name together. I like Harper and Ava.'' Harper and Ava is my favorite names. I wish my name was Harper or Ava. I'm in LOVE with those names. ''I don't like Harper. How bout' Ava and Emma?'' I thought about it. Emma is a pretty name. Yeah, I like those name. I smile. ''Ava and Emma it is.'' We both lay down and turn off the lights.

''God, I love you. Goodnight Lia.'' I feel a kiss on my forehead and I smile. ''I love you too Brayden.'' And I finally fell asleep.


HEY GUYS! MISS ME?! MISS THIS BOOK?!? I KNOW, I KNOW. I DO TOO. So hopefully I will be uploading more on this book now. Since I have a lot of chapters on this book, I really wanna finish it. But I still have a lot of things planned for this book so It's not quite ready to finish yet.


P.S Instead Lia's kids being a girl and a boy, I turned it to a girl and a girl. Don't be mad. I really want Rusher to become soft for both of them and I want them to becomes daddy's little girl.

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