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Scarlett's POV

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine.

In a room that wasn't mine.

With a dull throbbing in my back.

I would have cared if I wasn't so damn tired in that moment. My eyes were heavy and I was already drifting back to sleep when the door to the room opened and footsteps sounded. I kept my eyes shut. Well, until some idiot threw open the curtains and let in the blinding sun.

"Ahh!!!," I shrunk into the covers, my hands over my eyes, "It burns!!!"

I heard laughter before a familiar voice spoke, "Get up, drama queen. We already begged Damon to allow you sleep till 12 noon."

I grumbled under my breath, still hiding under the covers, "That demon can go back to hell where he came from."

I was shocked when his deep voice responded, "I'm already there and I'm already ruling it. Now get your ass out of my bed."

I pushed the covers aside and sat up, ignoring the slight pain in my back. I narrowedy eyes at Damon's tall, broad figure in an immaculate suit that hugged his biceps deliciously and made him appear dangerous.

"You act as though I begged you to give out your bed."

Damon's eyes narrowed too, "My mistake. I should have let you bleed then. Probably not on my bed. I would've dragged you out into the hallway and locked the door."

I tilted my head to the side, "And you have learnt anything about me, you would know how stubborn I am. You should also know I'm excellent at picking locks," I winked at him.

He opened his mouth to respond when I rolled myself out of the bed. It was then I noticed Jacob and Mike in the room too. Mike had on a full suit that also hugged his body. Jacob had on jeans, a tight shirt and a jacket. Matt who wasnelaning against the wall by the bed was in dark jeans and a plaid button down shirt with a white top underneath that showed off delicious muscles. I was impressed.

Matt smiled, "Like what you see, Red?"

I smirked, "Yah. If I hadn't seen better."

He pouted, "You hurt me, Red."

I smiled. He remineded me so much of Rick who I was already missing. Mike ruined the moment.

"Enough of this," His eyes glazed over me, "Matt informed us of your arrival. I still don't know how you escape and sneak back into a well fortified estate-"

I snorted mentally. Well fortified, my ass.

"-But we'll be holding a meeting about that later. You'll be there. For now, Matt will lead you to the room you'll be staying in."

I nodded, giving him my most bored expression, "I see you're still alive, Michael."

His face immediately twisted in irritation, "Did you hear nothing of what I said?"

Matt jumped in before I could answer, "I already had your things moved into your room. Your jeep is safe in the estate garage."

I nodded, "It better be. Your Boss already owes me a car after blowing up my beloved Ashton Martin."

Damon only rose an eyebrow, "I still stand by the fact that I had nothing to do with the explosion of your car. And don't make me regret saving you from dying from the explosion."

I rolled my eyes and mimicked his undeniably amazing, husky voice under my breath. Not that he would ever know I loved his voice. The tension in the room was slightly heightened by my disrespect of the Mafia Boss. Jacob, who'd been quiet from the beginning, smacked his palms in the loud silence. He turned to Matt, "Why don't we show Scarlett around and also her new room."

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