Chapter 3

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                        Samantha's POV

I open the door and when I say I'm surprised that's a major understatement

" What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask

" We need to talk" She came inside pushing me a bit, less aggressive then I'd expect and closed the door behind her

" Fuck You, What do you want?" she completely ignores me and looks around a bit but then heads to the Kitchen, looks around a bit more but groans and walks into the living room, looking around the living room.

" What the fûck are you doing?" I ask, she just keeps looking around

" Where does your dad keep his stash?" I gape at her for a minute and she just looks at me and asked at me, bitch

" Ah, here it is" she says getting a bottle of whiskey and 2 glasses out of the cabinet closer to me. She puts the 2 glasses on the table and pours both of them up to just a little below the middle, she drowns her glass, puts it down and picks up the other one up offering it to me

" No Thank You, Didn't you want to talk or something?"

" Just wait, God damn, I can't talk sober" with this she drowns the cup that was supposed to be for me and grabbed the glasses and the bottle and leads me to the couches, she puts the licor on the table in front of us and  sits on the long couch while I sit on the single couch next to her on her left, she drowned another shot of whiskey and sighed ready to talk now that she was far less sober

" Why do you hate me so much?" She says clearly thinking about something

" Because you're an arrogant asshole with mood swings" I say, she snickers

" I guess I am huh?" She says sadder than she probably mean to be or at least show me

" Why do you ask?" She shrugs

" You're perfect" she says to me clearly drunk, I can't help but blush slightly but scoff

" I'm not perfect" I say

" Sure you are, Perfect house, Perfect at school-" I interrupt her

" you're better at school than me, at least at academics" I say, I never had awesome grades. I had good grades nothing lower than a B maybe a high C at rare times but considering L- Elizabeth's spectacular record of perfect A's for 6 years straight since 6th grade

" Ahh, perfect Parents,," she says making blush but scoffs yet again

" Perfect house, sure Perfect at school, fine ill accept that but I definitely do not have perfect parents," I say finally drinking some whiskey

" Well, We're the same there,"  she says clinking her glass with mine and drinking the whiskey more slowly this time, she knew her limit

" What's up with your parents, they seem better than mine," I say,  she stays silent for a bit

" I'll tell you if you tell me about yours after" I nod and she took a sip of her drink and sighed

" I'm studying business for college at Harvard..." she stopped thinking about why to say

" We all know that Liz, I mean Elizabeth," I say, clear my throat and continue " You're a Wright, apparently that means everything about you is public it's the same with me"

" Well I'm not saying I don't want it cause I do it's my dream it's just apparently it's my parent's dream now, Today I wanted to finish my English test faster and on the written response I made my answer shorter just about 2-3 sentences less, but I guess I didn't answer the bonus question cause next thing I know my mom is accusing me of doing it on purpose and that apparently I have to be absolutely perfect so much so that I have to get 102, 105, wouldn't put it past her to make me get a 115," she says leaning back on the couch looking at the roof making her shirt go up and letting me get a peek at her mouthwatering and, Fvck,  she looks at me expectantly, Double Fuck,

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