First day

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Heyyy guys so this is my first ever book and I hope you'd like it! I wasn't so sure about writing a book but my best friends Lauren, Emma, kerri and Nicole helped me decide so yeah!

So I've just moved to Sydney Australia because my dad had a job offering over here I begged to stay in Scotland but my parents weren't having it the worst thing is that I've moved here at the most awkward time of the year, halfway through the year which means everyone will have their own friendship groups. I'm quite shy anyways so it's always been really hard to make friends but I'm hoping that this school it's going to be different.

I wake up the next day dreading going to my new school the upside is we get to wear what we want all year round unlike Scotland, where it had to wear a uniform ( which sucked)

My mum drives me to school that day to make sure I get there safe and sound,first of all I head to the office to collect my timetable and locker number, then I check what I have first , I have French. Great.

As I walk into my French class immediately notice the groups of people once the teacher walks in she tells everyone to go to their seats I then head straight for the back of class. I noitce a blonde headed girls and her red headed friend I sit in the seat next to them. They start chatting to me at first I thought they were just being friendly but a few days went past and I started hanging out with them more and meeting their friends. Oh I also forgot to mention their names are Lucy, Emily, Kerry and nico

Hope you guys like this sorry I know it's short but this is my first book so I didn't really know what to write!

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