Planet J

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A faintly sweet zephyr whips Fin's nostrils as his visor recedes.

"Do you smell that, Cathy?"

"Yes, I do. It smells like..."

"Laughing gas!" The Sky Surfers say in timely unison.

"I knew there was something funny about this place, Fin." Cathy bursts into a laugh.

"No wonder they call it Planet J. The J must be for joke."

"I thought the J was for jiggle, like your cheeks do when you laugh this hard."

"I know u love them, Fin. They're the best right?"

"Nah, they're just average."

"Yeah, and you're just mean." Cathy puns as they giggle uncontrollably. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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