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Daniel was sitting on the couch, watching TV with Hosuh. Stephen and Jay walked in the room. "Dan, when are they coming over?" Stephen asks. "Some time this afternoon, I'm picking up Jo and Ann from the airport." Dan replies. Jay asks, "What about-" "They'll be coming over in about an hour." Dan interrupted.

Daniel stayed fairly calm, after all, he was a beta. Hosuh starts talking about how excited he was to have all his friends together. Stephen laughed, patting Hosuh's head. Jay looked at Daniel. "Are you excited?" The blonde alpha asked. Daniel nodded, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Jay noticed the other two staring at him. He mouthed, 'What are you staring for?' Stephen guestures to go to the room, and so the two alphas left. They walked in Stephen's room, Stephen locking the door. Jay asks, "Why were you and Hosuh staring?"

Stephen looks at Jay with a serious look. "Dan just nodded when you asked if he was excited." Stephen stated. Jay was confused, "So?" "But he, he doesn't usually keep it that cool when it comes to friends visiting." Jay just shrugged. "Maybe he's tired or is just being a beta..?" "Perhaps, but something's been off since we all moved together." The purple haired male said.

Jay one hand in his pocket, "Yeah, I noticed too. We can't just assume something is up, cause Daniel could be tired or something." Stephen nodded. The two think of possible scenarios they could do to cause a reaction out of Dan.

A while later, there was a knock at the door. Stephen walked up to the door and unlocked it. He opened the door to find Daniel and Hosuh. "Hosuh's staying with you guys, I'm going to the airport." Dan states. He turns and walks over to the main door. "If you need anything, give me a call!" Dan shut the door and drove off to the airport.

The boys all sat in Stephen's room. Hosuh asked what they were up to, and the alphas filled him in. The boys start planning stuff out until they hear the doorbell. "It's Gavin and Elias!" Hosuh exclaims and runs off to answer the door. Stephen and Jay followed.

"Bro!" Gavin exclaims, hugging his brother. Stephen laughs, hugging back. Jay greets Elias, "Hey, dude. Did you miss me?" Elias replies, "Pfft, no." The two laugh. Hosuh smiles, he missed his friends getting along with each other and having fun.

After they greeted, the boys went to the kitchen to cook up some lunch. Gavin and Stephen were in charge of making Mac and Cheese, Jay and Elias were in charge of steaming broccoli and frying shrimp, and Hosuh was left to make a fruit salad. Before they got started, Hosuh got a phone call.

"Hello?" Hosuh greeted, as he answered the call. "Hos, I've picked up Annabelle and Jo." Daniel said. "Hi!" "Hey!" Ann and Jo greet. "Hey, guys." Hosuh said with a chuckle. Dan states, "I'm dropping by the store on my way home, need anything?" Hosuh looked at the guys in kitchen, "Uuhhh, let me check our food supply, but Elias and Gavin had showed up."

"Okay, they arrived safely?" Dan asks. Gavin speaks, "Hey, Dan, we showed up okay. We're about to cook some lunch." Daniel sighed in relief, "Okay, just don't let Jay burn the house and Stephen can't start a food fight." "Freaking- WHY NOT?!" Stephen shouted in the background. "Cause it's a mess, and we're not going to waste our food when we moved in a while ago." Dan replied.

Stephen crossed his arms, "Try me." Daniel rolled his eyes, "If you have a small one, okay, but you better clean up." "Or else what?" Jay asked. "Or else I take the Nintendo switch away for a week." Dan said, annoyed. "Don't tell me what to do, Daniel!" Stephen yelled. Ann backed down in her car seat and Jo looked out the window with his hoodie up. They didn't want to get involved.

"Ugh... Gavin, you are in charge. What you say, goes. Got it?" Dan directed. Gavin stuck his tongue out at Elias. "Got it, Dan!" The blue haired omega replied. Hosuh walked back, "U-uhm, we need juice, chips, and popcorn for movie night, and for dinner, can you buy more ketchup?" Daniel replied, "Yeah, I can get that, anything else?" "Nope, thanks for calling!" Hosuh thanks.

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