+*When They First Presented*+

544 18 25

+* 8 Years Ago *+

1. Annabelle

So, the gang were teenagers and were probably waiting to get their dynamics. Ann was in 10th grade and it was a normal September day. Annabelle, however, started feeling drowsy today. She told the guys that at lunch, and Hosuh said, "Ann, I think you're presenting."

Annabelle looked down at her food, "If presenting takes this much energy, I don't think I exactly like it." Hosuh and Daniel took her to the nurse to get her checked out. Turns out, she was presenting and going to be an omega. They called her parents, and had her sent home. She stayed in her room for three days, in heat.

When she came back to school, Stephen states, "Damn, Ann, you smell like cotton candy." The others nodded in agreement. She shrugged. "I can't believe Annabelle was first to present." Dan said. "Well, now we have a long while till we do." Jay said. The group headed to class, not knowing who's next.

2. AJay

AJay woke up, feeling crabby. He was just annoyed with everything, except for Jo. He looked forward to having his best friend around. When he ended up growling at Dan for talking to Jo, he got sent home.

Few days later, AJay comes back as an alpha. Annabelle smelled his scent when he walked in, "Dude, you smell like.... I want to say fresh air, but I don't know if that exist today." Jay laughed, thinking that last bit was hilarious. Dan had his mouth open, shocked at the last part.

Stephen was trying to keep his laughter in, while Hosuh glared at Stephen, guesturing not to. Jo thought about it, "Well, Ann, we know the air is polluted, but no need to bring it up." AJay laughs, the group headed to class, wondering who's next.

3. Hosuh

Hosuh woke up late, and, oh boy, his energy was low. He entered class late, Stephen questioning the boy's tardiness. Daniel, however, didn't question Hosuh. He could tell Hosuh was presenting soon.

After class, Dan asked Hosuh to wait for him. The two left the classroom, the green haired male dragging Hosuh to the nurse. "Daniel... I don't have the energy to deal with this..." Hosuh said, trying to avoid the nurse office. Dan replies, "Dude, I don't want you to present at school. So, PLEASE, go to the nurse's office."

The gray haired male reluctantly agreed. Dan took Hosuh's wrist, and dragged him to the nurse's office. The nurse sent him home. Stephen was told Hosuh was presenting, and he missed his best friend dearly. Daniel and Jay cheered him up with a little gift.

Hosuh came back to school as an omega, Annabelle saying his scent was like a chocolate chip cookie. Hosuh smiles, saying he was fine with it. Stephen hugged him, "I missed you so much, Hos." The omega laughs, "I missed you too."

Jay broke the sentiment when his stomach growled. "Great, now I want some cookies." The blonde said. Dan mentioned, "I have cookies in my backpack." Jay ran over to Daniel's locker, "Mine!" Everyone else laughs. After the group forced Jay to share, everyone ate a cookie.

4. Jay

Jay woke up feeling like crap. Like, he knew today was gonna be shitty. He got ready, and left for school. He waited at the bus stop, ignoring Hosuh, Stephen, and Ann's conversation. Daniel showed up, relieving Jay. Jay sticked with Dan for the beginning part of the day. But he was a real grouch without him.

Jay was thinking about the green haired male during science class, snapping at the teacher when she told him to pay attention. He ended up going to the principal's office. When Jay sassed the principal, the principal questioned about his behavior. When Jay said that everyone's scents were overwhelming him, she sent the blonde to the nurse immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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