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Rain was pouring down when Celeste woke up. Did she care? Not really. Even though it was raining, she had her trusty truck to keep her warm and dry on her way to school. It was a Friday morning meaning Celeste had one day to prepare for Cassidy's birthday party which she was surprisingly invited to. See, Cassidy was Miss. Popular at her school while Celeste was more of a background type of gal so getting an invitation handed to her by Cassidy herself was most intriguing. As Celeste dressed in her usual black, zip-up hoodie and jeans with black, hightop Converse, she wondered what they were going to do for the party? Probably normal teenage things so, drinking, drugs, and Celeste's least favorite, sex. Sure she's done it  before but it was very unenjoyable. So unenjoyable, that she vowed to never do it again. Celeste sighed as she walked to the kitchen to grab a small bit of breakfast. She decided on a banana with a granola bar for today. Once finished she headed to the living room where her parents were watching the morning news. Their favorite meteorologist, Sarah Wells, was on telling the forecast for the day. 

"Hey mom, hey dad. I'm off to school. Have a good day," Celeste said in her normal deadpan. It only lasted until the end of school.

"Okay honey! Love you," came her mother's chipper response. Gosh, how was her mom always so happy in the morning? Celeste rolled her eyes but a small smile came creeping onto her face as her dad grinned and gave her a thumbs up. Grabbing her keys and flipping her hood up, Celeste opened the front door stepped out on to the porch. She closed the door carefully behind her and walked to her car.

About 10 minutes later, Celeste arrived at Cadillac High School. The brick building loomed over her and her truck as Celeste looked for a parking spot. She was early, per usual. Avoiding the rush of students in the morning was what she loved about being early. It also gave her time to talk to her favorite teachers one on one. The rain had let up a lot in the ten minutes it took to drive to school which Celeste liked. She shut her truck off and climbed out. As she began her trek inside, something caught her eye. It was Cadillac High's most notorious bad boy, Layton Rose. He was standing by the school being talked to by the principal. It looked like Layton was getting another detention, yet again. Oh well, not her problem. Celeste kept on walking. She entered the building and made her way to Mr. Silver's room. He was her favorite teacher of all and yes, he was a science teacher. Biology to be exact. He let students keep small animals in his room and she had a small family of rats in the biggest tank. He purposely gave that tank to her because she was his "number one student" as he put it. Celeste opened the door to Mr. Silver's room.

"Good morning, Mr. Silver!" she exclaimed with a bright smile. He looked up and smiled right back.

"Salutations, Miss. Thornton. Here to see Hades and Persephone?"

"You know it!", Celeste made her way over to the rat cage, "I need to see if Pers has had her babies yet."

Mr. Silver just chuckled before returning to his work. Celeste opened up the top of the cage and a large, black rat came lumbering out of a purple Igloo. It was followed by a smaller, white rat with a very large belly. Hades and Persephone were Celeste's pride and joy. She cooed as she picked them both up, one at a time. Hades first then, very carefully, Persephone. Persephone, even though heavily pregnant, did her best to snuggle into her momma. Her mate Hades, on the other hand, was never overly affectionate toward Celeste but he watched his lady with sharp, careful eyes. Celeste giggled at her rats. They were polar opposites but somehow the perfect match. After what seemed like a second, the first bell rang, signaling Celeste should get to class. So, with a heavy heart, she placed her babies back into their cage and shut it. She grabbed her backpack and rushed out of the classroom with a wave to Mr. Silver. As she walked out the door, Celeste smacked right into someone. Blinking with surprise, she looked up to see Layton Rose again. She quickly lowered her head and speedily made her exit, not looking back but knowing he was watching her go. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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