MSA - 25

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Third Person P.O.V

Minari didn't even hesitate to nod at Chaeyoung and smile to her they ran and when they see that Momo's group are already behind they climb on the bridge rail.

They both hold hands and look to each other eyes.

" Saranghae, Chaeyoungie "

" Nado Saranghae, Minari "

But then Momo's group caught up and Momo screams.


Chaeyoung looks at them with a blank expression.

" If only you leave us alone when I ask you thing will never be like this "

" But Chaeyoung death is not the answer to this "

" yes it is because you will never interfere with my happiness "


Momo tries to catch Chaeyoung but it's too late they already jump on the bridge Momo look at them and they were hugging each other when they fall on the water and the current was so strong that they got eaten quickly.

" NOOOO!!! "

Momo screams from the top of her lungs as she cries her knee weaken and she falls to the ground Namjoon goes to her and console her Momo just cry and cry until she can't cry anymore and the darkness eats her.

When the morning has come Momo wakes up and found herself in a white room and when her vision become stable she recognized the room,

she was at the hospital and everything happens that night sink on her and cry again as she knew that she loses her precious sister as she cries endlessly she look at the tv and it was showing some news but it feels like a nightmare when the other news came.

" We just got recent news today, the Korean National Police found a two Female body floating not far from the Mapo bridge and their identity are is unknown and the police says that the corpse has a lot of guns shots on their body and they sending the corpse to the hospital and investigate it "

" No.. No.. No.. "

Momo removes all the cord that has been detached on her body and get out of the room she calls Yoongi and yonggi confirmed it to her that it was really Chaeyoung and Mina she feels so devastated she clenches her hand she gets out of the hospital.

Momo told Yoongi to fetch her in the hospital and yoongi didn't argue she wait and in just a minute yoongi arrived but she takes the car from yoongi and leave him she opens her phone and located Mr/Mrs. Myoui and they are in a restaurant she holds tight on the wheel and fastens her drive.

As soon as she arrived at the restaurant she took a gun from the glove compartment she looks at how many bullets she has and it has ten bullets she get out of the car and go inside the restaurant and she looks around finding her targets when she found then she simply walk closer to them and shoot Mr. Myoui in the head and she also shoots Mrs. Myoui on the head

The people around them are panicky ran and the chaos is created she shoots all the guards and continuously shoots Mr/Mrs. Myoui until she's out of bullets she looks at them blankly and gets out, she hops in the car and goes to the Mapo bridge.

She's driving thinking of Chaeyoung and she knows that the police is already hunting her down she recklessly drive and arrived at the mapo bridge where her little sister dies she gets out of the car and climb on the bridge rail, she closes her eyes as she feels the cold breeze hitting her, she smiles as she hears the sirens of the police she look at it and they surrounded her, she saw her team they are yelling yet she can't hear them she just smile sadly at them.

" Im sorry... Goodbye "

Momo let her body falls and she smiles happily knowing she will be with Chaeyoung soon...


Everything seems like a lightning strike it all happens so fast, The mourn morning for everyone who has a sudden loss of their best friends, it seems the world has such bitter fate for them, everyone feels so devastated to what happens, but this is not a goodbye it's just that their story ends and the new chapter of life will begin again.

It's not always a happy ending

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