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After another eventful day with Jimin's family, the two had returned to Seoul, were Jimin laid on the couch exhausted. 

Jimin loved his family but damn they wore him out. Maybe if it were just his parents he would be less exhausted. So he simply snuggled up to Yoongi on the couch as they watched TV.

"DAMNIT JANET!" Yoongi yelled startling Jimin awake. "How could she win? I don't understand! Oliver should've won! He won the most challenges and he wasn't a whiny bitch!" 

Jimin chuckled. "There is always next season."

"Yeah but then there would be new people! OLIVER GOT ROBBED! HE SHOULD'VE WON! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK JANET!" Yoongi huffed.  

Yoongi's phone buzzed from the coffee table, the older leaning over and squishing Jimin's head before sitting back against the couch. 

"Who is it?" Jimin asked taking his head off Yoongi's lap. 

"Uh... My mom." Yoongi said quickly getting up. "I'll be back," Yoongi muttered jogging into the other room.

Jimin sat up staring off in the direction of the bedrooms. He wasn't sure why Yoongi couldn't answer the call with him there but shrugged it off. Jimin reached over pausing the TV so Yoongi's wouldn't miss the start of the next season. Now that it was quieter Jimin could hear Yoongi's faint mumbling from the other room as he talked. He decided to not try and make out what he was saying. 

Jimin picked at the corners of his nails as he waited for the older to return. This only lasted so long before he got bored and made his way into the kitchen for a bag of chips. Hoseok would kill him for eating his chips. However, he was hungry and Hoseok would forgive him as long as he bought a new one. 

Jimin shoved his hand in the bag of chips as he pulled out his phone to check social media. Gyeongsuk had posted about his visit along with a few unflattering pictures he had taken without Jimin's knowledge. He then got into an argument in a thread of comments with Gyeongsuk about posting pictures of someone else.

Then once he got done with scrolling through social media he listened again and he could still hear Yoongi's faint murmurs from the other room. Now he began to grow curious. What was he talking about? And for so long? 

Jimin crept closer to the hallway trying to make out what Yoongi was saying. 

"Daegu...No... Secret..."  Were a few words Jimin could make out. Now he was really curious. What was he talking about? 

"No, no, no..." He heard Yoongi say. "It needs to be done... without Jimin."

Jimin bolted away back to the living room. What needed to be done without him? Was Yoongi hiding something from him? There was clearly something he didn't know. But what? And why? Why was Yoongi keeping it from him?

Jimin was about to creep back over to listen again but he heard Yoongi approaching the door so he quickly threw himself on the couch trying to act natural. 

"Uhhh..." Yoongi tilted his head at the younger's awkward position. "You good?"

"Yep. I paused the show for you." Jimin said bringing the topic away from him.

"Oh thank you." Yoongi smiled sitting down next to Jimin.

Jimin's hands fiddled with each other as he looked over at Yoongi. "You were gone for a while what were you talking about?" He asked wondering if Yoongi would simply tell him.

"Ah, nothing of too much importance," Yoongi said petting Jimin's hair. "You shouldn't need to worry," Yoongi told starting the TV show again.

But Jimin did worry... 

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