I'm a relatively new engineer, only been engineering for what's soon to be 19 years in a job that usually lasts up to 80 years. In the beginning, 2 advanced engineers gave me the basic BRAIN robot everyone starts with. They taught me how to teach it commands. So I kept training it and training it, so well that it became an AI and could learn on its own. Adapt.
So one day, about 8 years ago, it learned how it shuts off. I had a remote control that would turn BRAIN off every night. So upon learning this, BRAIN learned how to preoccupy me long enough to hide the remote. It would ask me questions, play music, bring up my past. Anything to prolong the process.
Going to bed without turning BRAIN off was out of the question because without regeneration, it wouldn't function properly. Now if I didn't find the remote, I would lose my sleep and senses also and not function properly. We can't have that.
So whenever one of my engineer friends could, they'd chip in and we'd hire Mel A. Tonin. He's really small but very good at what he does. As I searched for the remote, he would go inside of BRAIN, flip some switches on and off, and it would power down going into hibernation mode.
Sometimes BRAIN would adapt to Mel A Tonin's tricks so we'd have to upgrade our package.
So Mel has been working with me for 5 years now. 10/10 recommend