Fresh Start

210 4 11

Tropical pov


"Wakes up and goes to the bathroom and does all,my hygiene for 30 mins. Looks in my closet and put on my black shirt that says(i dont understand) in white and put on my white jeans and oreo jay's. Goes down stairs and see my twin brother fatz and my mom cooking before i go off to college with my annoying ass brother."

Jamie (twins mom) -hey sweety you ready for today~as she smiles and put food on the table, she made me a breakfast sandwich with bacon, eggs and cheese ~

Me- yeah im ready Fatz is you ready?

Fatz- Yeah bitch dont you see me dress Fawwwkumean(as he start texting somebody on his lgg2 i have a galaxy)

Me:don't start bitch cause today not my day!(as i yelled)

Fatz:oh im sorry cunt did Xavier cheat on you again(my ex bf X he did exactly with his stanky booty ass)

Me:fuck you!

Jamie:a yall better shut up shit i didn't even have my morning coffee yet! i knew i should had swallow shit(as she whispers)

"We all laugh and finish up eating and me and my twin leave out with our bags and we yell. Bye Mom Love you! Together got to love being a twin its a pain and advantage cause one swing we all swing .#

Fatz pov

"As we pull off in tropical car, going to school, we go to bowling green state,since we from Cleveland she has a 2013 black impala, and my song come on Stalley ft August alsina and i start to sing cause im always turnt up for no reason, so i grab my lighter out my pocket and start blazing up this mary jane that tropical roll last night cause my dum ass dont know how to roll but i can make drinks. "

"I fell alseep 10 mins after we finishing smoking and tropical ghetto ass push me like and hour later talk bout, Bitch we here! And i look at her with the tf face and  got out and went  to the admissions office with my twin to get our classes and when we walking some random bump me and me and my sister turn around and tap this nigga on his shoulders."

Me: umm something wrong with yo shoulders bitch??

Tropical: yea cause you brush up on us like you can walk through things like you casper bleed(she so fucking stupid i swear lmao)

Random: oh chill shit,my bad yall i was in my phone, don't need to get turnt up damn chill

Me: oh you cool but next time look up with that damn obama care source phonne you got from dollar tree,~walks off laughing~  now me and my sister got our student id card and our classes and dorms info and we split thank god

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