La Ejecución De La Baterista

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Name: SoudasBeanie
Ultimate Talent: Drummer


  After being found guilty of his crime, the Ultimate Drummer was dragged to his soon to be fate. He found himself being dragged onto a huge drum set. He looked up and noticed a huge set of drum sticks held by a huge Monokuma. Sweat began trickling down his face.

  Music began playing as the drumsticks began hitting the drums. The Ultimate Drummer constantly ran and jumped to avoid getting hit. Run. Jump. Run. Jump. Run. Jump. In a constant loop.It seemed to go on forever.

  No matter how much dodging he did, it didn't stop. But, he stayed determined. After a while of more running and jumping, he grew exhausted. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. But his biggest mistake lead to his fatal doom.

  As he was catching his breath, he looked up. His eyes filled with horror as the stick inched closer. He couldn't run. He couldn't dodge it. He gad lost too much of his energy. It was the end for him. No way would he be able to escape.

  Accepting his fate, the drumstick had finally crushed him, blood splattering all over the drum as an audience was heard. There was a loud applause, from a crowd of Monokuma's, that had soon died down.

  His classmates watched in horror as he was crushed. That was the end of the Ultimate Drummer. Such a traggic ending.

Rest In Peace, SoudasBeanie

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