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Kinda a long chapter, sorry
Also please read the A/N at the end, it has some important stuff

Third person POV

~Sumer before junior year of college~

{A/N; I know I said I would explain the brake up, and I will, it's just later in this chapter}

The losers had made it a new tradition to come back to Derry every summer to visit their families and be able to hang out with their friends more

No matter what, all the losers came back.

The losers also spent the night at the denbrough's house for a few nights

Right now, the time was around 12 am and the losers all huddled together in a circle in the denbrough basement playing games and laughing at who knows what

"Rich, would you rather... never have sex again at all or never have sex again with Eddie ever again?" Beverly asked

"Who says we've had sex before?" Eddie asked

"Honey, I think they know." Richie said to him. Eddie just crossed his arms and looked away trying to hide his blush as everyone else laughed

"Answer the damn question, trashmouth." Bev said

"Oh, right. I would... never have sex again at all." Richie stated

"Really?" Eddie asked as he turned to look at his boyfriend

"Hell, yeah spaghetti. You have ruined sex for me with any other person. Your that good." Richie said with a little smirk

"Richie!" Eddie said smacking him - lighter than normal, but he would never admit that - and half-heartedly glared at him for his crude comment

"This is boring! Let's get something to drink!" Richie said as he changed the subject

"Hell yes!" Bev said also standing up

"I'm still a minor guys." Stan said

"Me too" Ben said

"And?" Richie asked

"If you don't wanna drink you don't have to, but I say you are close enough to twenty-one that you'll be fine." Bev said as her, Richie and Bill headed up the stairs to find some drinks

"Don't let Richie get to drunk. Remember that time in sophomore year of high school?" Ben said to Eddie

"Oh, yeah. That... that was one weird week." Eddie said remembering what had happened

"What are we talking about?" Richie asked as he, Bev and Bill walk back down with drinks and some red solo cups

"That time in sophomore year of high school when you got totally waisted at that party." Stan answered

"Ahh, yes. That was quite the week, huh spaghetti?" Richie said looking over at Eddie

"Yes, yes it was." Eddie said back

"What did exactly happen?" Mike asked "I never heard the whole story" he continued

"Well, Richie got totally shit-faced and I got mad at him for under aged drinking." Eddie started but Stan, who had a drink in his hand, gave him a look

"You drinking it now is different. You're months away from turning twenty-one. Richie was years away from turning twenty-one." Eddie clarified "anyways, we had a big argument over how I thought he was stupid for drinking as much as he did while still so young, and then Richie was a total ass about it. I knew he was just drunk so I just left him at his house to sleep it off and I could actually talk to him about it the next day. But the next day when I came back to his house he was still being an ass about it so I said that if he was gonna be such a dick to me, even though I was just worried about him, that we were through. Then I stormed out and went back to Bill's and cried in his shoulder for a good hour or two." Eddie continued the story

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