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I walk out the bathroom and the boys are staring at me with shock
Ale-" What?"
Mattia-" So you don't want Valerie and me together?"
He said getting up

Valerie's POV

After Alejandro hung up on me I was in shock he still loves me, gross, I didn't want to think about what just happened so I just continued to drive home, as soon I got home I decided that I was gonna leave Kairi's presents in the trunk so I move them from the back into the trunk, I grabbed the food and started to walk to the front door but the more I got closer to the door the louder it got, I checked if the door was open turns out it wasn't even locked, I walked in and in one corner I saw Ale with a bloody nose and a busted lip while kairi and Alvaro were trying to hold him back and in the other corner I saw mattia with busted lip as well and scratches on his neck while Roshaun and Robert were trying to hold him back, they haven't even notice I was in there, eventually they couldn't hold them back anymore so they ran towards each other and started to fight, the boys saw me and but their hands in the air, I gave that the "break them up" look they tried but they couldn't so I screamed for them stop

Val-" STOP"
Kairi-" GUYS STOP!"
Mattia-" Bitch fuck you"
He threw another punch at Ale

He didn't listen so I but the bags of food on the table and told the boys to sit, I went to the kitchen, went to the top cabinet and grab a glass plate I went back to the living room where they were fighting I saw Roshaun eating enjoying the show, I rolled my eyes and slammed the glass plate on the floor loud enough for them to stop, they both looked at me

Mattia-" Oh shit!"
Ale-" Heyyyy"
Val-" Get up both of you"
They got up and I pointed to the couch for them to sit
Val-" What the hell is wrong with y'all!"
Kairi-" We tried to stop them"
Roshaun-" Shut up" he said with his mouth full of food
Kairi-" You shut up that's why you look like little bill ugly ass boy"
Ale-" Look he started it!"
Mattia-" Me!, You the one who said you didn't want me and Valerie together cause you still fucking love her"
Ale-" Yes ik I said that but that was no  reason to pop off on me like that"
Mattia-" You know what"

He was gonna throw another punch at ale but I grabbed his arm and pinned him down on the couch, so I was basically sitting on him while he was pinned on the couch it let go of his hands but still sitting on him, he moved his hands to my waist and looked at me with a smirk on his face I knew exactly what he was trying to do

Mattia-" Oh so you wanna go round 2?"
Ale-" Wait!, Y'all had sex"
Mattia-" Yeah so what you wanna fight because of that to"
Kairi-" I'm dead"
Robert-" Well I have to go home"
Val-" This early?"
Robert-" Yes my dad you know?"
Alvaro-" Yeah I have to dip to, you coming Roshaun"
Roshaun-" Yes let's go, see y'all later!"
Val-" Wait y'all don't want y'all food?"
Alvaro-" Oh yeah thank you Valerie love you"
Val-" Love y'all bye!"

Robert and Alvaro grabbed their food except Roshaun cause he already finished his, as the were walking out Roshaun asked if Alvaro was gonna eat his food Alvaro called him a fat ass but gave it to him anyways, I laughed at them after they closed the door, I forgotten that I was still on Mattia I got off of him and told kairi to take ale to my bathroom to clean him up while I clean up Mattia in the downstairs bathroom, kairi took ale upstairs while me and Mattia went to the downstairs bathroom

Val-" What was that all about Mattia"
Mattia-" I'm sorry babe but I overheard him on the phone with you and then I heard that he still loved you and that he doesn't want us together anymore so I got mad and we got to fighting and when you walked in the boys were trying to take us apart but as you saw they couldn't"
Val-" Okay I get that you were mad but you need to be the bigger person Tia, I know how ale is and knowing him his not gonna be the bigger person"
Mattia-" I know he's not, I'm sorry mamas"
Val-" It's okay just plz try to talk things out when im done"
Mattia-" I'll try"
Val-" As long as you try to"

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