Part 5

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We couldn't leave until we both sobered up. So, I went into the shower and started to strip down and started the water. I quickly texted Taylor and told her we need to reschedule. She seemed disappointed but went along with it. I stood under the water and feel as if all of my guilt is washing away.

The flashbacks come through.

-- "No.. Stop... Please, you don't have to do this." I felt the tears flow down my cheeks as the bed creaked. I felt dirty. I hate Colorado for this reason.

"You love it stop lying." I heard his voice. I heard the door open and I slipped out of there and ran for my life. Into the woods and dropped. I ran through the trees and fell in a pond and just dropped to my knees in the shallow part. I heard my name being yelled and went under water and held my breathe.--

I scrubbed my body and took out a razor blade and sliced my thigh. I don't know why. I just feel wrong for doing what I did with Blaine. No matter how much I wanted to do it, I don't think it was the time.

"Hey, you've been in there for a while Mama (Blaine's nickname for me) are you ok?" I didn't answer. Though I heard him fine. The water isn't loud enough to drown out my crying. I turn up the water so it's burning hot. I realize it's not Blaine I'm upset about. It's that those memories are constantly here lately.

He busts into the room to see me on the shower floor with the water falling over me. I look up at him the makeup flowing down my face and the blood streaming into the drain. He runs to me. I totally forget that I'm naked, even though it's not the first time he's seen it I pull my knees into my chest and lay my head on my knees and sob.

He reaches in and turns off the water. He, fully clothed, climbs into the shower and sits on the floor next to me. I'm so glad to have him and I now know that what we did together will only tighten our bond.

"Was I your first?" I ask already knowing the answer. He stands up, carries me in his arms like a baby and lays me on the bed. Without looking, covers me up and runs across the street to grab me an outfit. I decide to take a nap. So, I brush my hair put it in a messy bun, and wipe off all of my makeup and return to the bed to nap.

I hear the door open a little while later and see Blaine walk in I sit up covering my chest with the blanket as he walks over to the bed. He pulls out a gorgeous sundress, A pair of really expensive sunglasses, and a cute pair of flipflops. I remember it is like 90 degrees out and jump into his arms to thanks him.

"That's not all." he reaches into another bag and pulls out a little black box. I slowly open it up and see a gorgeous necklace. It's a locket that's silver, and has my initials on it. I open it up and see the picture of my brother is but in there along with the one of all of my favorite fosters.

"Oh my god.." I say and hand it to him to put it on me. He walks behind me, knowing I'm naked and locks it around my neck and kisses my neck. I really wasn't expecting it but I didn't mind. I slowly took the bags off of the bed and layed back pulling him on me. I rip off his shirt and kiss him. I feel his hands roam my body and he whispers in my ear.

"Do you wanna...?" I look him in the eye and nod as I bite my lip. I hear him unbuckle his belt and I realize we're both sober and we still really want this. So, I let it happen and it's great.

When it's time to check out we both get dressed and I put on my bra and underwear, slip on my sundress, put on those flip flops, and put makeup on while curling my hair. I put my clubbing outfit in the bag from the sundress and we head out. We walk past the club and head to the car. I feel my phone vibrating and drop Blaine's hand to dig it out of the bag. I see it's Anna. I lay the bags in the backseat and pick up.

"Hi." She says from the other end.

"How are you? Do you have a hangover?" we both laugh and Blaine makes a heart symbol with his hands. I hit his arm.

"Yeah, I'm still recovering. But shit hit the fan with me and Sarah. I would love to explain if you're not busy." she cuts herself off.

"Today isn't a good time. But tomorrow is fine." We make plans and then hang up.

Blaine looks upset throughout the whole drive."What's wrong?"

I take his hand. He smiles and shakes his head and suddenly he looks generally happy as he looks at our hands interlocked with eachothers and I can't help but giggle at how happy he is.

"What are we?" I ask slightly confused at the concept of us.

He looks me over and then sighs. "Best friends with extreme benefits." We pull into the driveway.

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