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YangYang's pov

"Stop lying, I know you have a crush on me." Hendery said, but Xiaojun sighed. "No, you're not my crush as I said it a few moments ago. We're over!" "Please, don't say that!" Hendery begged. I rolled my eyes at his action and pulled his arm. "Come here, bro. He doesn't love you anymore, move on." Hendery Tore his arm off my hand and turned to him. Angrily he stomped towards Xiaojun and pushed him. Lucas caught his friend and wanted to say something, but Xiaojun stopped him. Xiaojun got up and glared angrily at Hendery, then he yelled at him. "Move on, we're over! Nothing is gonna happen, so please leave, I must sort something out!" My friend looked sad and hurt, so I yelled at my crush, and together we left the street. I laid my arm around Hendery's shoulder and tried to make him smile, but I failed.

"Don't think about him, trust me, out there are lots of people, who are way better than him! I don't want you to get hurt again, I remember how much you cried!" I slapped his cheeks softly and the black haired boy smiled at me. "Thanks, I really appreciate you." I smiled at him and together we entered the building. "Where have you been?" Renjun approached us, he was holding a few drinks in his hands and handed us one drink. I took a sip and the cold drink made me forget about everything. Suddenly someone grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me somewhere. I opened my eyes and saw Hendery in front of me, dancing to the music like the others. He grabbed both of my hands and swung them, then he laughed. I laughed, too, but I wasn't happy at all.

After we danced we decided to sit down somewhere near the windows. I grabbed a serviette and fanned myself with it. My friend sighed and watched Renjun's family gathering around the table with a cake on it. Suddenly Renjun's mum's voice came from the speakers. "We're cutting the cake now!" She announced and everyone stood up and stood around the table. We clapped our hands while singing songs for her, then we a lol cheered. I was disgusted, but I kept smiling, especially when she waved at me. I went to her and she put an arm around me and tried to feed me, but I took the spoon and fed her instead. Then I whispered to her. "I don't wanna have stomach aches." Her eyes widened and she face palmed herself while mouthing "sorry". I chuckled and fed Renjun.

After we all took pictures we could finally sit down. Hendery was sitting next to me, in front of him were two plates. "Why aren't you eating your cake?" He asked me. "There's milk in it." I explained him and he ate the cake teasingly. I rolled my eyes and punched his chest playfully. While he was eating the cake, someone came to us. He slammed his hands onto the table and glared at me. I raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here, Xiaojun?" "Come with me." He said and grabbed my hand. I looked back and saw how Hendery stood up and followed us.

We went outside the building and Xiaojun pushed me towards Mark. "Apologise, now!" Xiaojun shouted and I pointed at myself, but he shook his head and pointed at Mark. "I didn't do anything!" Mark defended himself, but I glared at him. "Don't lie!" I yelled and grabbed him by his collar, but someone pulled me away. "Calm down, tiger." Xiaojun laughed and let go of me. "I swear to my mum, I didn't do anything." Mark smirked. "Don't swear by your mum!" The blonde haired yelled, but then he remembered something. "Wait, your mum hates you, so do you. That doesn't matter, stop lying!" Xiaojun looked intimidating and I backed up. "Make me!" Mark yelled back and Xiaojun was about to punch him, but I grabbed his fist. "I think he received lots of violence today, didn't he." My crush looked to me and put his arm down. But he kept yelling at Mark. "If you don't apologise, I'll make sure you you'll do it." And then he left. Only Mark, Hendery, who was watching everything, and I were left, Lucas left with Xiaojun.

I rolled my eyes and went inside the building. "YangYang! Come here, please!" My mum shouted and I went to her. "I won't come back with you, I have to do some important business, I'm sorry." My mum said and looked sad. I hugged her and comforted her. "It's okay, Hendery can stay with me." My mum nodded, hugged me again and left the party, so did the other guests too. "Do you wanna come over?" I asked Hendery, who nodded his head. We said our goodbyes and left the building. We took a taxi and after a while we finally arrived at home. "I'm not tired at all." Hendery said and I rubbed my head. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" I asked him and he agreed.

We walked around the village and ended up at the fields with a playground on its left side. We entered the playground and I sat down on a swing and started to swing, soon Hendery joined me. "Can you jump off?" I asked him and he jumped off. "Now you!" I waited until the swing wasn't high and jumped off. "Coward!" He said and sat down on the swing again. I joined him, but I wasn't really swinging, neither was Hendery. "I have to say something." Slipped out of my mouth and I covered my mouth. I prayed that he didn't hear it, but he did. "What's wrong?"

I sighed and fidgeted with my hands. "I must confess anything." I murmured. "Don't say you have a crush on me!" He fake gasped and I threw a stick at him. "No, not on you, but I'm someone else." "Who is it?" Hendery squealed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "It's Xiaojun."

The creaking from the other swing stopped and I heard something grinding on the floor. I looked up and saw that Hendery got up. I also stood up and we both faced each other. My friend crossed his arms over his chest and looked into my eyes. "I don't think you two would look great together. Xiaojun and I would look better, we did look better indeed. You should give up on him, he's not your type nor are you his type." "You also aren't his type, that's why he broke up with you." I licked my lips and regretted that I said it. Hendery rolled his eyes and left the playground. I waited for a few minutes and walked to my house. Hendery had already arrived and waited for me. I unlocked the door and we entered the house. None of us was talking and everything was awkward. Hendery immediately went upstairs and fell asleep. I went into my mum's room and fell asleep.

I woke up and went downstairs. Soon Hendery came and we ate breakfast. Suddenly he stood up, after we finished eating, took his things, said goodbye and left the house. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour and washed the dishes. Then I played with my phone until I received a call. I picked up and heard Kun's voice. We talked for a while and I slipped into my shoes, grabbed my jacket and keys and left the house. I took a bus and after a while I arrived at the familiar shop. I entered the shop and saw Kun, who handed an old lady her groceries. I went to her and grabbed the bag. "Let me take it for you." I offered her and the old lady smiled at me. I walked with her home, because she didn't live that far away. She thanked me and we bid our goodbyes.

"You're so polite, what happened?" Kun smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I'm worried." I explained him everything and he listend to me. "You have his number, don't you?" I nodded my head and handed him my cellphone. "Call him." He ordered and I called him. After it rang a few times he picked me up. "You wanted to talk." I said, he called me before I fell asleep and he wanted to talk to me, but alone. "Yes. Are you alone?" He asked me and I replied that Kun was with me. "You can trust him, he's like a brother to me." I heard Xiaojun sighing and hesitating to say something. I raised my left eyebrow and a sentence slipped out of my mouth and I immediately face palmed myself.

"Am I your crush?"

Did I send her the video? Nope :D Am I going to have piano classes tomorrow? Yes, and I didn't practice at all during quarantine lmao and I'm not in the mood.

Anygays, I'm gonna jam to love talk again :D (sorry for spelling mistakes)

Take care 💕

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