Chapter 3 "Picking up the Pieces"

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The next day at school me and Nicole were walking the halls, and we passed Liam once or twice.
"You smell funny. Did you take a shower today?!" I noticed a stink coming from him, so I felt the need to communicate it to him and anyone that was near as could hear my screams. The second time we saw Liam that day, Nicole and I would laugh hard, so we could make the point that we were the ones that recorded the video and we were not sorry. We in fact loved it so much. And that was not about to change.

When we went to the mall that afternoon, we cruised the stores. I bought many things with my moms credit card. She wasn't around much, so she felt like she needed to compensate me for something. Nicole got a plaid shirt and some skinny jeans and one or two skirts, short, tight skirts. I ended up buying a flannel, lots of expensive jewelry, and many skirts, crop tops, and high heels.
"With these heels, I will stomp on that loser Liam until he leaves this school forever" I told Nicole, resulting on her laughing really hard and getting the same pair for herself.

For the first time in a long time, my mom called me saying she could pick me and Nicole up from the mall. We were at the door at the time she told us, but she wasn't there, so we decided to sit on a bench outside until she came. And then we saw it. Liam, dressed in a hideous shade of green jumpsuit picking up trash and driving the terribly smelling garbage truck. I stood up from the bench, followed by Nicole, and I poured my Starbucks Peppermint Mocha on the floor, along with the low fat cookie I had bought. I waved my arms dramatically, causing Liam to look our way, and having to come pick up the trash I dumped, causing him to get on his knees in front of me.

This was the best opportunity I had gotten in a while. While Nicole recorded, I pushed Liam to the ground with my foot and spilled Nicole's Caramel Latte on Liam's head. This made him look up at me, and I turned to the camera.
"Yes, this is Liam James Payne. Some of you might rarely still like him, let me make it easy for you. He is the most fake, and disgusting person ever. He doesn't even have money to eat so he needs to work tagging your underwear and picking up the trash. If I were you, I would stay away from him, just saying. " Nicole then pointed the camera at Liam, catching him in a sea of tears. Not that we cared.

The next day at school, I mad sure Liam had come to school. He had. That morning, announcements were to take place. All the school saw them through each class' TV. I had this friend, Matt, a real computer geek. Well, he wasn't really my friend, more like my homework pet. He would do my homework in exchange that I didn't tell anyone about his recent breakup with his geeky girlfriend, Molly. Anyways, he knew about all of this computer and hacking business.

The announcements started. When the principal was signing off, like he would every day, the screen went black. Before anyone could even ask what was going on, yesterday's video came up. I had edited my voice and hadn't shown my face in it so that I wouldn't get in trouble. But at this point, Liam was probably crying already.

When the schools tech team was able to turn the video off,
it was already over. Everyone had seen my little masterpiece. When lunch time came, Liam wasn't at school anymore.
"Wow, loser Liam is a weenie, not even staying the whole day. That just shows how wimpy he is. " Natasha was right, I thought, and continued eating, in the bottom of my head beginning to feel like complete hell about what I had done.


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