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After Kassandra had her little confrontation with Sarah, I offered her a ride, but only if she stayed a little longer. I'm not sure why I wanted her to stay, but part of me wasn't ready to let her go home yet. As boring and uptight as she seems, there was something about her that made me curious. For some odd reason, I wanted to get to know her.

We were back in the kitchen, my hand lingered on her back and there was clearly some awkward tension in the air because we didn't say anything. All of a sudden she told me she needed a second and as I watched Kassandra slip away from me and out the glass door, I felt a mix of concern and frustration. I could tell she needed space, but part of me wished she hadn't gone alone. The atmosphere inside was stifling, and it felt wrong to let her face whatever was out there by herself, especially after the way Mylo had acted.

After what felt like an eternity, I decided to check on her. The night air would be cooler outside, and maybe she just needed a breather. As I stepped out of the house, the transition from the noise to the stillness of the backyard hit me like a wave. The glow of the string lights cast a warm hue, but I could still feel the tension lingering in the air.

I walked toward the steps, planning to head outside and find her. I needed to make sure she was okay. But just as I rounded the corner of the house, I spotted her again, this time by what looks like her car. She looked lost in thought, her posture slumped and defeated. It was frustrating to see her like this. I hated knowing that Mylo's creepy behavior had cast a shadow over her night.

Before I could get to her, I noticed a group of guys gathered by a car, one of them standing out. He had tattoos snaking up his arms, and the way he carried himself screamed trouble. My instincts kicked in; I didn't like the way he looked at her, the way his gaze seemed to linger just a bit too long.

I stood off to the side, watching as Kassandra interacted with him. The air thickened with tension, and I could see her discomfort radiating from her. I felt a surge of protectiveness rise within me. I had to intervene before things escalated. I took a step forward, ready to confront the guy when I saw Kassandra's body tense up, her eyes darting nervously. That was my cue.

"Get away from my girlfriend, Evan," I said, my voice cutting through the night like a knife. I hadn't even realized I was using that word—"girlfriend"—until it was out of my mouth. It felt right, instinctual, as if I were claiming her even in this moment of chaos.

The moment I uttered those words, "She's my girlfriend," I felt the weight of them settle like a stone in my stomach. It was a reckless move, one I hadn't fully thought through, but it was the only way I could think to deflect Evan's attention. Kassandra's eyes widened in disbelief, and I could almost hear the cogs turning in her mind as she tried to process what I'd just said.

I wasn't even sure why I'd said it. Maybe it was the way Evan had smirked at me, that familiar spark of rivalry igniting something inside. I wanted to put him in his place, show him that I could handle whatever game he thought he was playing. But Kassandra? She had become collateral damage in this twisted game, and I could feel a pang of regret cutting through the adrenaline.

Her reaction was immediate—a mix of shock and confusion that flickered across her face. I watched as she struggled for words, her silence amplifying the tension in the room. I wanted to reach out, to clarify the absurdity of the situation, but I could feel the eyes of the partygoers on us, waiting for a show. I kept my arm around her waist, not out of affection but as a way to claim her in that moment, a shield against Evan's onslaught.

"She's my girlfriend," I repeated, hoping it would solidify the illusion for everyone around. But I knew the truth: this was a lie, and I was dragging Kassandra into it without her consent.

Consequences of AttractionWhere stories live. Discover now