He's Gone (Sad Niall Imagine)

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*Press play on the song in the sidebar while reading this

"Wake up babe its morning. You need to get ready you're going to be late"

You slowly open hyour eyes the sun streaming through the curtains. Niall is standing next to you looking a little pale. You smile at the sight of him and get out of bed. Your whole body seems to ache. You tell yourself you probably slept the wrong way.

"Where are we going?" You question him wondering what he's planned for you guys to do that day. You start to do your normal morning activities brushing your teeth, fixing your hair. Niall is still in the bedroom sitting on bed which is different; usually you guys get ready together. "Niall are you feeling alright?"

He has a clouded look in his eyes but he replies with his usual happy tone, "Yeah, I'm fine. Can I pick out your clothes for today?"

It was an unusual request but you let him. He spent a few minutes going through a rack of your clothes when he pulled out a black dress. "Here wear it" It was a fancier dress but you changed into it. When you walked out of the bathroom you saw he was still in his jeans and t-shirt, the same clothes he wore yesterday.

"Aren't you going to change?" You asked him. He shook his head and left the room. You followed him out of the house and you both walked to your car.

"Can you drive today?" Something wasn't right you could tell. He always drove when you two were going somewhere together. He defiantly wasn't feeling okay. You walked over to the driver's side and got in. You pulled out of the driveway and started down the street. Niall sat quietly in the passenger side only speaking up when telling you which street to turn on. It was raining when you finally arrived to your destination. It was a cemetery. "Who died Niall?" You screamed at him. The list of names in your mind got longer and longer as you waited for a reply. Liam? Harry? Zayn? Louis? His mom? Your mom? "Niall!" you yelled again. Tears started to run down your cheeks.

"Come on babe." He said he got out of the car and you quickly followed. The rain pouring on top of the both of you, mixing with your tears. You wanted to leave; you didn't want to know who had died. You where soon caught up in all your thoughts. You could see a casket up ahead. "Niall? I can't" You turn to look at him but he is no longer next to you. You look around frantically. You see all of the boys crying you run over to them "Do you know where Niall went?" Liam made a squeaky sounding noise and began to sob again. "Where is he?" You yell. Zayn pointed his finger at the casket. "No." You whisper to yourself, "NO!" You scream you run up and see him lying in the casket, looking like he is asleep. "Wake up!" You scream, "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" You collapse on the floor sobbing. Zayn comes over and helps you stand up. He gives you a hug and you just stand there in his arms crying. "What happen?" you asked while a breath.

"Don't you remember? You two were in a car crash. You where fine so we took you home from the hospital, but Niall," He paused trying to not to cry, "He died at the scene."

Then it hit you. Last night Niall took you to see some comedy he'd been talking about for weeks. As you guys drove home you passed through a busy intersection. He saw the truck coming before you did. He held his arm out to protect you, even though he knew it wouldn't do much. The truck it your car hard causing you to flip. You remember him slowly running out of breath. He kept talking to you to keep you awake. "Stay with me y/n." He would say "Don't die on me." And the last thing he could barely say, "I love you y/n." You saw the life was gone from his eyes. So you let go as well and blacked out.

"He died on me Zayn! He left me!" you tear yourself from Zayn's arms. You look back at the casket and yell at the lifeless body. "I'M STILL HERE! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? IF I MADE IT YOU SHOULD HAVE TOO!" You kept yelling. You knew yelling at a lifeless Niall wouldn't bring him back. You ran back outside into the rain. It was pouring now. Your hair completely soaked, all of your mascara was completely washed away. The wind began to blow sending a shiver down your spine. It felt like the temperature had dropped dramatically. "Why did you leave me?" you whispered.

"I didn't leave you y/n" a faint voice whispered, it seemed as if the voice was said by someone standing beside you, "I'm still here."

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