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Your POV

    I woke up to someone nocking on my door. "(Y/x/n) wake up." It was Axel's voice. I sat up and said a quiet come in. I don't know why but I feel more comfortable around him, it's as if I've known him my whole life.

    He walked in and saw where i was sitting at. I was still in front of the window, like I was last night. My hair was messy and hood down. He chuckled and sat next to me.

    "Did you fall asleep looking at Kingdom Hearts?" He asked looking at my tired looking face.

    I nodded and looked at it again. "It's beautiful.." I said still looking at it.

    He nodded. "well before we go on your mission for today I want to tell you about the Organization." He said to me. I looked back at him and nodded. "First off I'll tell you about the members today and later about some other stuff. Member number I Xemnas- he's the leader. Uses the power of nothingness and wields a pair of ethereal blades. He commands the sorcerer nobodies.
Member number II Xigbar- He's known as "freeshooter" and wields a pair of rayguns called arrowguns. He commands the sniper nobodies.
Member number III Xaldin- nicknamed "Whirlwind Lancer". He uses the wind to manipulate his six lances and commands the lance-wielding "dragoon" nobodies. He's deceased.
Member number IV Vexen- known as the "chilly academic". He controls ice and carries a large shield in battle. He oversees the Organization's "replica program". He's deceased.
Member number V Lexaeus- he's known as "Taciturn Stalwart". His weapon is a axe sword. He has the elemental power of Earth and is deceased.
Member number VI Zexion- he is known as "Cloaked Schemer". His weapon is Lexicon. He's Deceased.
Member number VII Saïx- he's known as "Luna Diviner". Xemnas' right hand man. Wields claymore, uses the power of the moon to assume a berserk state of mind.
Member number XIII yours truly me- I'm known as "Flurry of dancing flames". I'm also the assassin, uses the power of fire manipulation and wields Chakrams. I command the assassin nobodies.
Member number IX Demyx- known as "melodious Nocturne". He wields a sitar and controls water. He commands the Dancer nobodies.
Member number X Luxord- known as "gambler of date" and commands the Gambler nobodies. He uses a deck of playing cards as his weapon and has the power of time.
Member number XI Marluxia- he's known as the "graceful assassin" and commands the reaper nobodies. He uses a scythe and has the power over flowers.
Member number XII Larxene- known as the "Savage nymph" and wields a set of knives and the power of lightning. Commands over the ninja nobodies.
Member number XIII and XIV Roxas and Xion- both wields keyblades. They were my best friends and deceased..." He finished and trailed off at the last part. I strangely felt bad for him. I hesitatly put my hand on his and smiled a little. He looked up at me and had a bit of pink of his cheeks. I quickly pulled away when I felt my cheeks warm up.

    He shook his head. "Now that you know about the members let's get started on our first mission."

It Started With Suicide||Axel x Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now