|Day 1|

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I breathed in deeply relishing in the fresh air, finally free of the suffocation. It smelled different from Korea, but I knew I would get used to it. Dragging by luggage behind me, I held on tightly to by the straps of my backpack.

Just as I stepped out of the airport my phone rang, reaching into my pocket I fished it out.


I clicked my tongue before answering the phone, not stopping walking.

"Where the fuck are you?" Was the first thing he said.

"Just because I'm out of Korea does not give you the right to say that to me. Is that how you talk to your elders Yoongi?" I rolled my eyes, waving a taxi down.

"Cowards who run away don't deserve my respect, hyung." He mocked.

I showed the driver a piece of paper with the address on it, and he nodded taking my luggage leading me to sit down.

"Yoongi, I'm not running away, you know that. I'm simply trying living my life"

"...I know, hyung, I'm sorry. It's just..." He dragged on, hesitant. "Things are hectic around here, the rest of the guys aren't taking it too well, hell neither am I but 'specially Jungkook. You know that kid adored you."

"I know. I know, but... 18 years of my life I lived in that hell hole. I want time before I start uni, time for myself."

The driver started the car and I could only watch as the scenery passed by through the window.

"It hurts me to think that my freedom comes at the expense of others suffering but just this once, can I be selfish? Just this once." I spoke out after moments of silence.

"...You're an asshole you know that right?"

I laughed, "yeah, I do!"

"Just this once," he agrees. "When you come back I swear I'll make your life hell. Just... at least tell me how long you want and answer the first question will ya?"

"A year. Just give me a year. Please tell the boys that I'm sorry and to take care, you too Yoongi, hyung is sorry."

"I got it, hyung. Don't you dare regret it when you come back."

"Yeah yeah, jeez, I hope you know i'm rolling my eyes right now." The driver stopped in front of a modest sized apartment complex. "Let's just say I'll be staying in my type of paradise."


I entered through the glass doors, having paid the driver with a small thank you. As soon as I walked in, a woman came up to me, a huge smile stretched out on her face.

She looked happy to see me, rushing up to me immediately.

"Seokjin Kim?" I winced at the accent, but tried my best to answer with my limited English.

"Yes, Kim Seokjin." I pointed you myself .

"Ah, right. Kim Seokjin." Pleasantly surprised with how quickly she adjusted, I held my hand out to her.

"And you?" Thankfully she didn't laugh at him as she shook my hand.

"You can call me 'Mrs Harper', I'm your landlord." She motioned to the lift and I followed her, "I told you over the phone that you'll have a house mate, yes?"

I nodded, remembering the phone call I had two months prior.

"She is a very lovely girl but she can be difficult at times." She pressed the button for the seventh floor and continued. "She's one year older than you."

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