New school, New Life (1)

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| Tord's POV |

"It'll be A fun new school!" They said, "A fresh start and A fresh school!", They said. Why must I be put through this torture! Now that Paul And Patryck have put me In A new school, I must go through Alphas, Bitter Omegas, Jealousy... Great.

I walk up to my new school to see A group of three kids, four kids, three kids, five kids... But one particular group caught my silver eyes. A Tall Blue hooded Alpha, A bit shorter than blue hooded Alpha With A purple Hoodie, probably Another Alpha, And A short green hooded boy that Looks like an Omega... A three sided triangle? No, Can't be. The Blue Hooded Alpha looks non-Interested with the Green Hooded Omega. 

I soon enough get lost In my thoughts and don't notice I am staring, Having been snapped back into reality by The Blue Hooded Alpha Locking Eye contact with me. Shit- I didn't mean to stare- I mean, I guess I did, but I was lost In thought. He waves at me, catching the attention of Purple Hooded Boy and Green Hooded Boy.

"Hey!" The Green Hooded Boy looks at me and waves even more before leading the Other two of the group, Aka Alphas, Towards me. I brush myself and My Red Hoodie Off as they approach me. "Hey, are you new here? We haven't seen you around." The Purple Hoodie Boy asks and states his comment. "Yes... I just moved here." I mutter out before noticing the slight whine of scarce In my sentence. "Woah, are you Blind? Russian? How is your hair like that?" The Blue Hoodie Boy Asks me, and He surprisingly doesn't sound like the others. "Contacts? Fake? Hair gel?" Psh... No.

"I am Norwegian. My eyes are naturally silver, I actually have excellent eye-sight, and my hair Is just like this naturally." I state, proudly To have someone want to know more about him. "That's awesome!" He says again, "Tom, stop ranting... I'm Edd, that's Tom, That's Matt. Who may you be?" Edd delightfully asked me, excitement beaming In his voice.

"I'm Tord. It's Nice to meet you all." I murmur, clearly admiring the ranting boy, Tom, Was it? He was so build, it shows through his hoodie. Holy shit. "Y-You too" he Stutters, the others mimicking him.

"Y-Y-YoU ToO" Edd and Matt mimic. "Hmm?" I grunt, expecting An answer, but only too get Tom with A flushed red face, Mine turning the same as I realize what Is happening. "Let's get to class. You have already been shown around before, have you not, Tord?" Tom asks, fancily, though I take that as normal because Edd and Matt do. "No i haven't been shown around yet. Would one of you maybe do so?" Edd and Matt pull out schedules from their bookbags and start glancing through the pages. "We can't, we have Math class In five Minutes, Sorry Tord. Tom can show you around though." He looks at Tom, clearly teasing him

"Uhm- Yeah, sure. I know I have a class with Tord In twenty Minutes, so see you two In science!" Tom yelped as Edd and Matt stride off into the building.

"Come on Tord, Let me show you around before Our twenty minutes Is up."

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