A man walked down the street with a pineapple on his head. As he continued to walk, he noticed an oblivious old lady selling candy at a nearby street stand. He walked over to the stand and looked at all of the items being sold. There was candy lipstick, rock candy, and pop rocks. While still looking at the sweets, the old lady turned around and shouted at him for loitering. When the man tried to tell her he wasn't loitering, and just wanted candy, she threw the entirety of her cart at him breaking the contents. Bewildered and confused, the man ran down the street to get out of the old lady's sight.
Historia CortaThis is where I write whatever comes to my head. Not interesting. Or worth your time. In fact, you shouldn't be here anyway. This is for me, because I am a twat. There is no point in me writing this. An existential crisis awaits.