Chapter 3 Raped as a date

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Cams POV
I'm scrolling through my twitter feed when all the sudden I get a loud bang at the door, I wasn't expecting anyone today I open the door and all I see is Emma with a bloody face and bruises all over her and she's crying, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND I scream in a panic she tells me everything.
Emma's POV
So i run to cams place and bang on the door he answers and screams in a panic Whhat the fuck happend I start balling and I tell him everything I've only had him as my boyfriend for 3 weeks he dosent know about my dad or the cutting! My stomach turns upside down I do t know what to say so I come out with it "my dad chained me to his bed and raped me, now my hearts shattered.
Cams POV
She started crying even more and I can tell she was nervous Emma tells me that her dad had um.... Raped her I don't know what to say except OMFG I tell her she says in a whimper.. I know I say that's disgusting we're over. 🙊🙊
Emma's POV
My hearts now shattered that he only wanted to have sex with me and now that my dad raped me he's gone I- I'm all a- alone.
All the sudden I got a text from Nash my best friend from grade two
Nashty😘: hey I know what happend between you and can and wanted to know if you wanted to go on umm a ..... Date.
Beautiful bæ😚:umm sure Nash see you at 7.
Nashty😘: k bye 😘,

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