Lost Memories

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Of all the gods and goddesses, I've never really felt a connection with any of them, except for Lady Elizane. If that wasn't just a story I was told as a kid that I don't remember, then she must have tried showing me something. But why? I didn't know that I was the Ultima until a few weeks ago, and I've only done things that would probably descrase her.

I come back from my vision.

I look around confused by my surroundings.

A-am I on the ground of the school campus?

"Alphino! Your awake." Aaron realizes. I shift trying to find the source of his voice.

"Aaron?" I sit up. A-Aaron was letting me... Lay on his leg?

"We were talking... And then you just passed out... Your parents haven't got here yet so I-I was just helping you be even the slightest bit comfortable." Aaron blushes

I smile. "You could have just propped me up on my backpack or something." I giggle. But then again I was asleep on his leg... I blush.

"I-I couldn't find anything that would be comfortable for you, your bookbag felt kinda hard and.... I didn't want to mess up your neck." Aaron's blush deepens.

"I-It's alright." I smile. "Thank you."

"Alphino" Dad calls.

Mom didn't start shouting, so does that mean she isn't with dad?

"Well, that's dad, so I should get going. I'll talk to you later" I smile.

Aaron nods.

I hurry to the car.

"Wait Alphino! Your bookbag" Aaron calls running up to the car.

"Oh. Thank you Aaron." I get my bookbag from him

"Oh, ya... Mr. Moonstone, Alphino passed out while she was waiting for you, you might want to take her straight home and have her get some rest." Aaron says to dad with a kind smile.

"Aaron!" I sigh. I know I shouldn't be mad, and I'm not. I'm just really embarrassed about it.

Dad nods "Will do, thank you... Aaron is it?"

Aaron nods "Anytime sir."

"I'll text you later, see you tomorrow Alphino" Aaron smiles.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Aaron" I say sheepishly and smile.

"I-" Aaron starts "Never mind. I'll see you tomorrow Allie" Aaron walks off.

"Well, he is kind isn't he?" Dad asks rolling the window up.

I nod "We've been friends for quite a while actually"

"Oh really? I thought you were homeschooled since fourth grade was it?" Dad asks.

I nod "I was, but he is my online best friend. I only met him a little bit ago, I was careful not to even give him my name. It was a stuck of luck that he went to my school" I smile

Dad nods but doesn't say anymore.

I watch the stretch of road as it passes taking note of all the things we pass. My mind wanders off and I remember something I don't even think happened.

I can't be any older than nine. Fourth grade...

"Mom?" I ask.

"Yes Alphino?"

"A-are people scared of me?" I ask

Mom shakes her head no. "No. What on Earth made you think that?" Mom asks.

Warm tears stream down my face, mom wraps me up in a hug. "T-this..." I stutter and hold out a book.

"The Origin of Warewolves and the Ultima Curse"

"The class was reading this and-and where talking about what they would do to me... I-if they knew I was the Ultima..." More tears.

Mom gently runs her hand over my hair "shhh. It's okay. Your not the monster they think your bloodline is. They are afraid of what they don't understand. If they knew you were the next Ultima, they wouldn't ever think you were the same creature." Mom explains.

"Ember, Sweetpea...? Oh no. What happened?" Dad asks coming into my room.

Mom gestures to my nightstand where she put my book.

When dad sees it his eyes widen and he hurries over to comfort me.

"It will be alright. They won't do what they say, our family will keep you safe." Dad explains.

I nod, but the tears don't stop.

I fall asleep in their arms.

"We are taking her out of school." Dad.

"But that's risk-"

"I know. I know it's risky, but it's one we have to take if we want to keep her safe."

"Like the fact your going to make her forget everything! Make her forget... Her childhood? Mathew. I love you, but I love her too, and I... I want what's best for her. What's best for our daughter."


"I know your going to try to save your sister and I know that means that we will lose you... But is it for the best? I'm only one warewolf. Your her father. Right now, all she has is us. She needs you."

"Ember. I love you both, but she needs to be home schooled, and... That has to be without me. She can't remember anything about the Ultima...."

"Mathew! Please don't let us go!"

I startle awake. I must have fallen asleep in the car...

"Everything alright sweetpea?" Dad asks.

I nod. "I just fell asleep." I smile not wanting to mention what I just saw.

<A/N Hi there. I know this chapter is shorter than the others, but I'm trying to keep up with the fact I have multiple people who are "waiting with baited breath" and "On the edge of our seats" for the next chapters. I'm in love with both this story and that everyone is enjoying the story. This wouldn't be possible without my girlfriend Firedragonfist and my friends Lenia-Chan and some others that don't want to be mentioned. Thank you! And have an amazing rest of your day/night. I love you, and my patriots that are helping me write these stories love you guys too!>

Alphino Moonstone: Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now