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Wensday 4:29

"Ughh it's to early fa my damn phone to ring, I bhett it's destiny loud ahh" I said

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"Ughh it's to early fa my damn phone to ring, I bhett it's destiny loud ahh" I said. I answered the FaceTime call and she loud mouth ahh woke me up ALL THE WAY UP causing me to mean mugg her.

"HEYY FAVORITE COUSINNN" she yelled. "Uh uh Its to early fa that damn yellin luh teeth ahh bitch" I said.

"Bitch" she laughed. "But ANYWAYS I was calling you to see when yo badass getting off probation because I want you to finish senior year with me and Jayryn ugly ahh" she said pouting threw the phone.

"Well bitch your in luck because im getting off tmr, soo ill pack the rest of my stuff and SPEAKING of Jayryn Luh temp ahh" We both laughed.

"Is he Ight?, Ain seen my two favorite cousins since last year" I said pretending to cry.

"HOE you been busy bring bad as hell ova dea in Brooklyn to come to think of it HOW DF U GET ON PROBATION...AGAIN!?". She said while making me laugh.

"So what had happened was- Omgg my phone actin stupid" I tried not to explain myself.

"Jayda frll because if these bald headed ahh bitches trying you, Me and Jayryn won't hesitate booking a flight down there PERIODTT". We both laughed even harder.

"Guhh ain worried bout those luh bitty ahh hoes I got guns N shii ova hea but I am getting a house down there when I move"I said while her mouth was open wide asf.

"That's not fair you and Jayryn got a house and all he do is let his homeboys ova dea smokin and shii I HATE IT HERE" she said. We laughed.


After a hour being on the phone with destiny talking ahh but good thing she got a nigga fa that because ion see how da nigga do it. I decided to get up and do my normal hygiene and went downstairs to fix some breakfast so my mama already layed me out some food to cook.




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I signed. And who might that be rolling my eyes who was Javon, my boyfriend. He is a drug dealer that is very reckless N like to kill people if you fucc him over in the streets they call him "Ghost" and Honestly I'm really scared of him , I tried leaving but he always sneaking in my fuccin house N always stalkin me so I won't talk to other dudes. All he do is cheat, lie and wanna get physical with me.

"Say you was otp wit a nigga yesterday bitch" He said while slamming the door and pushing me on the wall.

"No Jv I was otp with destiny allday-" before I could even finish he punch me in my face cause me to let my head fall while the blood of my nose was drippin on the floor.

"Ayy say I told you no nigga gone get you I'll deadass kill you bro N da nigga, so imma ask you again was you otp wit anotha nigga" he said coming closer to me and yelling in my face.

" I SAID NO I WASNT YOU CAN CHECK MY PHONE IDC" I said yelling at him before you knew it he choked me out.

"Who df you talkin to like that imma show you Wasup" he said as me dragged me to my room throwing me on the bed and closing N lockin da door behind him.

"Jv please I can't I'm sorry" I said running to da bathroom but be snatched me back turning me over on the edge of the bed.

"Nawl you ain sorry imma make yo ass forget you was born" He said holding me down.

"Jv please I said I was sorry" I started crying because he was hurting me I was still recovering from last time I was so sore and with heavy weight on top of that I felt trap I can't breathe.

He ignored me while trying to take my clothes off and he eventually did then he started to unbuckle his pants.

"JAYDA STOP MOVIN DAMN" he yelled while one of his hand around my neck tightly. I was really trying to run but he makes it hard to get lose.

"I'm sorry" I said crying while laying on my stomach naked when I tried to run again he caught me AGAIN by grabbing both of my feet and dragging me towards him.

"DIDNT I JUST TELL YOU TO STOP BITCH" he said then all of a sudden he got up and started punching me like a nigga from the streets I kept my hands to cover my head for protection but it didn't work I kept telling him "I was sorry" "please stop" I kept begging and begging until he stopped and spoke to me.

"Umm finna gon fucc miyah she won't hesitate to give me sum pussy" he said walking downstairs and slamming the front door.

I just cried and cried on my bed until I fell asleep just waiting on tmr because I hate it in this house I can't do shii but eat, sleep and shit Chicago here I come tmr.

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