Luna Starlight

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Lucys POV
As soon as I heard a farmiliae voice say come in after some rusteling paper and a closing drawr, I sprinted inside and told my grandfather"Im home"
"Lucy my dear, your mother told me you are now queen?"
"Yes, I am"
"Well comgradulations my little queen, I am so proud of you."
"I know Grand papa...can I join the guild again? I promise I wont kill Natsu, 8 years makes you give up on your enemys. But lissana I just might, she is Satens worker, so i might have to kill her if she trys to kill me first, ok?"
"Ok, this time do you want me to introduce you to the guild as you, or some random name?"
"How about...Luna Starlight. Because luna is the opposit of lucy, and my magic will be star magic. Oh grandfather this is shimmer, she will do transpertation magic, and she has a human form"
"ok my dear, here we go again." So we walked out and master called all attention to himself than said " My children, this is Luna Starlight, she is joining our guild so treat her like family. And this is her partener shimmer" Everyone awwed at this 13 year old girl with purple hair and bright blue eyes. But who wouldnt, she is adorable. When we got downstairs Mira gave me a color changing stamp on my right shoulder, than shimmer got hers on her right hand. Mira stsrted crying when she was doing shimmers so I asked her "Mira, why are you crying?"
"Because 16 months from last week, a very important person left my life, and she had her stamp on her right hand as well."
"Who was she?"
"A person who could make any bad day good, a person who could bring a smile to peoples faces no matter the condition"
"She must have been very important if you counted the months!"
"And she was, although these idiots never noticed. She brought light into the guild everytime she was here. She was Natsus true soul mate. But my sister is just pretending its herself, its really not...Her name was Lucy Heartfelia. And as soon as she got here, well she became the light of thhe guild, the christmas tree on christmas. The thing we started taking for granted thinking it would always be there. Then she left. You know, Wendy used to be a sweet and inoccent girl. Now she acts like a bitch to all other then Lucys true friends. Dear lord I hope she comes back someday. I miss her. Wendy misses her. And I know the guild misses her somwhere in their stone hearts."
"Well mira, you are done missing. Because I am home" I put my hand over her mouth to lock up that gasp from escaping. She threw her arms over me and choked me in the biggest hug I had ever felt. I told her to keep it on a down low and not tell anyone but those who had missed me. So she ran over to all my true friends thsn told them, Luna starlights secret.

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