Chapter One.

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I'm not too sure what this is, but let's call it a book. Right. A fictional piece of literature. Now, where do I want to start.. Ah. Suicide. What a lovely topic to begin a story on, eh? Something so overlooked. You may be thinking "what are you talking about? Suicide is serious! You can't just overlook it." Well I don't mean just the final result. The act of working up the courage to really commit suicide. Though perhaps I will get to that later. No. I am talking about what leads up to it. The suffering, the mental pain that at a certain point turns physical. When every bone in your body aches because you're mind has taken over your subconsciousness. Suicide isn't the act of knocking over the chair or finally pulling the trigger. Suicide is being so sick and tired of the physical and mental pain that you decide to take your own life. You decide it's the only way left. But here's a twist, it's not. *gasp* "what?? Suicide isn't the only answer?!" Sure it's hard. You are going through complete shit. People are hurting you mentally or physically all the time. Or maybe you have just been strong too long. Maybe you are depressed and don't quite know why. Everyone's story is different, but just because some people have it worse doesn't mean that you can't have problems. I think I have a pretty good life myself. But I'm not here to brag, because I don't have a reason to. If I tell my story it just may break you a little. So maybe I will just hold back on that.
Suicide is, as you have probably heard from assholes everywhere "a permanent solution to a temporary problem". I know, I know. I'm sick of hearing it too. But that's not the point here. The point is that even if you don't want to accept the idea, your problems WONT LAST FOREVER. Even if you have to wait for years for it to go away it won't last. My problems didn't go away right away. Who's to say they aren't still there now? The point is to stay strong. Don't fucking give up!! You're worth it, I can tell you that much for sure.

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