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SEVEN - 3:02:01 PM

I dreamt of something I know came from a distant memory that I have.

My first real kiss.

I remember that it was a sunny day
but the breeze was comfortably chilly. It was, in fact, the most perfect day to play outside and I did. I went outside to play in our village's playground near our house. Many children were there like me and we were all getting
along except for that one kid.

She was just watching us.

I don't remember her name nor who she is exactly. But I do remember
that it was the first time I saw her; it was all our first time seeing that kid for that matter. She was a newbie and I thought then that maybe her family just moved in. I also remember that she didn't answer me when I asked her about it.

We played with her that afternoon
even though she seemed reluctant
at first. She first kept glancing at her... babysitter? I don't know if it was her babysitter but when that man nodded, she played with us.

She was even a little awkward at
everything as if she was doing it for
the first time, as if it really was her
first time playing like that at all.

We played until it was sunset. I can't recall what exactly or how it happened but I know that we were
the only ones remaining on the playground. She was thanking me for the best time of her life and as athank you, she kissed me on the lips. Back then, I didn't know it was even called a kiss. I just knew that she pressed her lips against mine. I remember they were soft.

Then she left with her babysitter. And now, I wake up.

"Slept well, dummy?"

"What the-"

I don't know where we are but I'm damn surprised again to see us both topless in front of this magnificent pool overlooking the city below us!

"Are we on top of a building?!"

She chuckles. "Yes, dummy, we are.
You're welcome you get to see this
awesome place because of me."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah, yeah. As if I have any other choice."

We look at each other and I don't
know what has gotten to the both
of us but we just stare at our faces. I feel my heart getting heavier. I don't know how to exactly explain about this sudden heaviness in my chest but it is here.

Why do I suddenly feel too...?

I looked away. Now, my heart can't
stop beating hardly again.

I hear her laugh, as if not believing
whatever is in her mind. "You felt that too, didn't you?"

Damn, I want to play dumb just like what he calls me and tell her I don't know what she is talking about-but I couldn't. No, I won't do it. But it doesn't mean I'll also acknowledge it.

"Thank you for bringing me here, I'm going to take a dip."

She grins and takes her glasses off.
"If you're really grateful... let me touch your-"


Swimming has helped me go through to all these things that are occupying my mind. Of course, there were people with us a while ago and we did nothing but to be silly playing in this pool. There were even kids that joined our water fight. But now that we are
alone together again...

How is it possible that within the
few hours that I've been with this girl, mixed emotions that I never  had before keep coming to me like I own them? Is it crazy to say that all of a sudden, it feels like I've known this girl forever? This is all a dream and yet, this is becoming too much for me even for a dream.

"You really like keeping your thoughts to yourself even though you can just say them. Do you know how much I am willing to pay just to get inside your headright now, dummy?"

Somewhere in that dream I had,
that distant memory...

"Have we met before?"

He looks at me, confused. "What do
you mean?"

"Never mind." I slide myself into the water again and just let myself float. "It's just weird that I suddenly feel like I know you now. Like I've known you, for real."

"That's better." She runs his fingers
through her hair.

"What's better? That I feel like I know you all of a sudden?"

"Hmmm." She closes her eyes for a
moment and breathe deeply. She
opens them again to look at me.

"And that you can talk about what
you're exactly thinking about."

"When you asked if I felt the same..."

"You did, I can tell. Your expression
a while ago mirrored mine. It kinda hurts when it's the heart that suddenly feels heavy."

My heart is planning to literally break my ribs for beating this hard. I stood up from just floating and faces her properly. She's now looking beyond the city below us.

I want to ask what's happening to us. This is not normal and being the one who is not normal here, she may know what's going on with me. How can one feel too safe with another person? How can one trust someone their life with? All of these questions that I have and yet I know to myself that it's too late to have them-I am already feeling all of these towards this girl.

Surprised will never be enough to describe the things I am realizing now.

"If you're going to choose where we are going next, where do you want to go?" She suddenly asked, now grinning again.

I rolled my eyes to myself and sigh. Her grin can really turn the situation around and throw me off. I was already too deep with my thoughts and now all I can think about is how she looks like a fuck girl with that grin.

"Anywhere." I answered. "As long as I'm with you."

Now, it seemed like I was the one to throw her off. She looked so surprised with what I said that her funny face made me laugh.

"Goodness, dummy, slow down, will you? You're not even drunk! My heart can't take that much."

It was my turn to grin at him evilly.
"Much of what? Of me saying that I'm okay wherever as long as I'm there with you? Or me saying that I'll go wherever you want to go. Or-"

"Say more, Chae, and you'll see what I can do to you."

I laughed out loud again and swam
away from her. My heart is still
beating hard against my chest but this time, it doesn't as much hurt even if it still feels heavy.

For the first time... it was nice hearing my name from her.

Fine, Mina...

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