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it was a sunny monday morning , and the 8 girls were at the practice room , stretching or just goofing around. "im bored," yuni yawns. "me too." aivy says and soon all the other girls were echoing her response.

after five minutes of just talking, nai suddenly stands up. "i have an idea," she pulls her hair into a ponytail. "why dont we choreograph our own dance?" the 7 other girls displayed mixed emotions; all of which are positive reactions.

"thats.. actually not that bad," xinxin smirks as she starts brainstorming for choreo ideas. "what song shall we choreograph to?" k.y looks around but most of them shrugged. "ah! i have a song thats been stuck in my head for a while and its dance worthy." somyi scanns through her phone to find the song. "here," she connects her phone to the speakers and plays the song she chose. "its called where they from by missy elliot feat pharell." she smiles seeing the other 7 girls bopping their heads to the song.

"lets go with that!" sabrina says, gathering the girls to the center of the practice room. "we should brainstorm for ideas then put them all togethee in the end." willow suggests, looking at the others for confirmation. they nod and they go off to their own little areas where they listened to the songs on their phones and started choreographing.

after an hour or so they gather round at the center again. "so does everybody have their own lil choreo?" nai asks. "i havent completed the whole song, but ive got some parts down." somyi shyly admits. "thats okay, we can just combine remember?" nai gives her a thumbs up.

"now lets choreograph this and show the media what we can do."


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