Chapter 6 From Feet to Fins

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  I run out into the water and dive in, Skyler and Eva jump in after me and we swim around for awhile.

  "What are you going to do for break?" I ask Eva as I swim around on my back. "Not so sure." Eva says, while looking around our private beach. "How about you?" I ask Skyler. There is no response and no sign of Skyler. "Where is she?!" I panic.

  Eva points over to a small area where something is frantically splashing, but it's not a something, it's a someone. I swim over to Skyler but she shouts, "Don't swim any closer! The current's too strong!"

  Eva and I ignore her and paddle our arms towards her anyway, but Skyler keeps getting farther and farther.

  I continue swimming faster and faster, until I'm pulled under. I kick my legs furiously until I resurface, sputtering. I cough out a lot of water, but I can still feel a lot I my lungs.

  After what seems like an hour, but really is only five minutes. My legs start to burn from what I think is working to hard. I shake my head. Keep going Nichole! Keep going! I tell myself sternly.

  Skyler tries to swim forward to Eva and me, but is only pushed back farther. I look up ahead and see a small island, with a cave on it in the distance. "Skyler!" I shout desperately. "Swim towards that island!"

  Skyler shouts ok, then starts to paddle forward towards the small island.

  I watch as Skyler throws herself onto the sand as she reaches the island, panting heavily. Eva follows, dragging herself to shore, exhausted from swimming so fast. I collapse onto the sand as well.

  Skyler looks up and smiles. "Thanks for saving me guys." Eva and I shrug. "What else were we supposed to do? Watch our friend get taken out to sea?" Eva says shrugging.

  I smile then wince in pain as my legs begin to burn even more. "What's wrong?" Skyler says, sitting up. Suddenly she puts her hands over her mouth and gasps.

  "Look at your legs!" Skyler shrieks. I lift my head up from the sand and see, teal, blue, scales forming on my legs.


  Sorry for short chapter, but you have to admit, pretty good, right? ( P.S. The reason I put the nail pic for chapter cover is because I just wanted to give you an idea of how Nichole's scales look. )

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