Working as a team!

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"The training has just begun." Goku said as he turned Super Saiyan. "Heh, I'm not scared. Now burn!" Bakugou blasted forward but before landing a blow, Goku struck him in the gut. "Argh!" "It's over. Heh." Goku flicked Bakugou on the forehead and sent him flying back, crashing to the ground. "Ah! Damn it!" Bakugou shouted in frustration. "Bakugou, could you not scream-." "Shut up. What the hell was that for?" Bakugou asked Goku,

 "Heh heh heh. Oh that? I picked that up from Lord Beerus." Goku said as he flicked his finger again. "Think I can't keep up in that blond haired form of yours? Well think again!" Bakugou shot forward once again, this time faking out an attack. Try an AP Shot..." "Goku was aiming to move away, only for Bakugou to use his stun grenade. "Crap, not again." Goku was once again blinded, "Eat this!"Bakugou fired a bunch of Explosions. "Ah!" "These explosions are too loud..." Jiro said as she tried to keep her earphone jacks in the ground. 

"Now for the finale! Howitzer...IMPACT!" Bakugou landed the giant blow on Goku. "Rrr! ["Damn it... my hands are starting to hurt."] Bakugou thought as he clenched his hands. "Bakugou, are you ok-?!" "Stay back, I got him right where I want him." Bakugou said as he began to charge at Goku again. "You're finished this time-Uh?! What the?!" Bakugou suddenly stopped in place. "Bakugou? What's happening?" Jiro asked as she saw a red aura around Bakugou. "Got ya." Goku said, now in his Super Saiyan God form. 

"What did you do?!" Bakugou asked, "I'm using my ki to keep you in place. The only downside is that I can't use any other attacks while I have you like this." Goku explained, "This won't stop me!" Bakugou shouted, "No, but I am." Goku said as he released Bakugou. "It's time for the next part of your training." Goku said, "What would that be?" Jiro asked, "I saw that you were trying to help Bakugou during our little fight. So, what's going to happen now is this. My God form, the one I'm in right now, is more agility based than power. So, now we're gonna practice teamwork." Goku said, "What?! I don't want to do that!" Bakugou said, 

"I know how you feel. I normally like fighting without help, but even I know that teamwork can get you a lot further than fighting alone." Goku explained, "Fine..." "Ok, so like I was saying. In my God form, I have access to more agility and speed than raw power. So, I want you to try and land one hit on me. Kyoka, I want you to try and guess where I'll appear next. Bakugou, it's up to you to listen to her and land the attack." Goku explained, "I'll do my best, Bakugou." "Whatever, let's get this over with." Bakugou said as he returned to the stage. "Good luck." Goku said to Jiro and returned to the stage as well.

 "Ok... let's start." Once Goku said this, Bakugou launched himself forward using his explosions to give him more speed. "Heh." "I got you-?! What the hell?" Bakugou got to the spot Goku was, only to find him gone. "Looking for me?" Bakugou turned around and saw Goku on the other side of the stage. "Hey! I thought you were supposed to tell me where he was going!" Bakugou shouted at Jiro. "Sorry! I didn't hear a thing-." "Whatever, I knew you wouldn't be any help." Bakugou said, turning away from Jiro. "Gonna try again?" "You won't catch me off guard again!" Bakugou once again launched himself at Goku, but missed again.

 "I don't think so." Bakugou continued to try and hit Goku, but couldn't land a hit. ["Come on. I have to help."] Jiro thought and put her jacks back into the ground. ["Focus, and listen for his footsteps."] Jiro thought as she closed her eyes. Jiro could hear each blast Bakugou was making. ["Just try and block that out, and..."] Suddenly, Jiro could start to hear Goku's footsteps. "Uh?! Bakugou, he's headed to your right!" Bakugou glanced over at her. 

"You'd better be right! Die!"Bakugou used his left hand to fire himself to the right and managed to catch Goku. "Uh-oh." "Got you now!" Bakugou was about to land the blow, but Goku dodged at the last minute. "Ha, almost!" "Damn it!" Goku tried to get away, but now Jiro was able to tell where he was going, causing Bakugou to nearly get him each time. ["Crap, I need to get her off my trail. But what could I... that's it!"]. Goku jumped back and returned to base form. "What the? What are you doing now?" Bakugou asked, "This." Suddenly, Goku had begun to form a circle around Bakugou.

 "What the hell? What is this?" "It's called the after image technique. Good luck trying to hit me now." Goku said as he continued to form image after image around Bakugou. "Damn it... which one is the real him?!" Bakugou shouted at Jiro. "I don't know, his movement is too fast. I can't keep up!" Jiro said, "Damn it, Earphones! Try harder!" Bakugou shouted as he continued to look at each passing image. "What can I do? Wait, I got it!" Jiro plugged her jacks into her amplifiers. "If they're just images, then I can make them go away!" Jiro then sent a sonic wave towards the two.

 "Bakugou, brace yourself!" Bakugou looked to see the attack coming and launched himself into the air. The attack then hit the images, causing them to fade away. "Got you now!" "Aw crap!" Bakugou quickly fired himself back down and punched Goku in the face. "OW!" Goku was then sent back a few inches. "Now that's teamwork. Ok, that should be good for today." Goku said, "That was... intense." Jiro said, "Yeah, but I liked how you were able to think of a way to stop my after image." Goku said, "So that's it right?" Bakugou asked, "There's still one thing you two need to do." "What's that?" Jiro asked, 

"Shake each other's hands. For a job well done." Goku said, "Seriously?!" "Good job, Bakugou." Jiro said, extending her hand. Bakugou looked at her then began to walk away. "Yeah whatever, you were fine too." Bakugou said as he left. "That's the best we'll get from him." Jiro said, "I guess. Well, you did a great job today, Kyoka." Goku said as he patted her head. "Ok, ok. You're making me blush." Jiro said with a smile.

 "Heh heh heh. Hey, how about we go see how Vegeta's training session is going?" Goku asked, "Sure, sounds like a plan." The two left for the USJ only to see a horrifying sight. "Come... on.... I still got more left... in me." Kirishima said, cracks all over his body and bleeding. "Kirishima!" Jiro shouted in concern. "Very well, time for the next transformation." Vegeta said, going blue.

To be continued... 

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