Chapter Three: The Buttcrack Face Is Popular

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Mom didn't have to wake me up the next day because i woke up early and did my daily routine.

The outfit that i set out today was different but cute.

"Goodmorning mom and dad"which surprised them because its 7 but I'm already up.

"Oh Debby you got up early today..." mom smirk at me while dad is just chuckling at us.

" Yeah....because I'm in a good mood" then i take a seat at the table.

After eating breakfast, dad drop me off because mom is kind of busy. When i got to school, Bellania is already there with two cute guys which I'm guessing are her friends.

"Oh hey Deb..."Bella hug me

"'re early today?"she then nod at me and gesture to her new friends.

"Yeah...because these two idiots came early to pick me up, Deb these are Nicholas and Mathew...guys this is Debralynna" they both hug me tight like we've been friends for a long time.

"Guys...can't breath" then they automatically let go of me while giving each other a high five.
"But where's Desmond?"i ask them but the two guys just shrugged.

"He called me this morning saying that he's not gonna come today because----"then she was cut off by student murmuring loudly while forming a small crowd at the entrance.

"What's happening?...a fight?"i asked and all three of them shoo eve k their head signalling a no.

"It's probably Ace Walker..."when that person got through the crowd i finally got the chance to see his face and it's no-one other than Mr Buttcrack.

"Wait who are they?"which cause these three to look at me with a surprise look on their faces.

"They are the most popular group of friends in school with their leader in the front....Ace Walker. His parents were both young billionaires before they got married." Oh so the buttcrack is filthy rich, no wonder why he's an ass.

"Well let's go....because it seems like the new celebrity will block us from making our way to class (note the sarcasm)."the boys burst into fits of laughter while Bella just giggle along, i was enjoying them laughing at my first joke til I spot the Buttcracks attention is fully set on me.

Oh no...I'm screwed I hope he doesn't recognize me.

He smirk at me and slowly make his way to where we are standing. Oh God please take me now...

"Hey Smart mouth....."he gave me that dangerous smirk once again.

"Uh....hey Buttcrack face?"it was more of like I'm asking myself.

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME...."he yelled at me which kind of scares me but didn't completely get to me.

"Bro chill......she'll come around" one of his friends came and try to calm his ass.

"Look here chick.....i know you're probably new but my bruhh here wants-----"i cut him off because he getting off topic now.

"Shut it....I'm not some personal doll face that you can just get your ways with....if you have brains then show some respect because i value respect than you" i then left to go to class before I ruin their pretty reputation.

When i got to class, nobody was there but only my English teacher was there. Then a few minutes later, Bella and the guys came to class
"Deb are you Okay?" Nicholas ask and sit next to me while Mathew is sitting with Bella who seems to be crying.

"Yeah I'm she Okay?"i gesture to Bella.

"Yeah......she'll get over it like all times" and that got me confuse as to why can't they just deal with it.

"What do you mean?.....what happen to her?" I mean I'm not trying to be nosy or anything but she's my best friend now and if i want to be there for her then might as well get involve.

"Well she likes this popular guy but he doesn't like her but she saw him again today hooking up with another girl. " okay now it makes poor Bell.

"But what's with you and Ace?"and this made me almost choke on my own spit.

" no it's not like that " then i told him the story of how we first met which made him laugh his ass out.

All my classes went well with my friends, so now I'm heading to my last period of the day which is choir. When i got in, the teacher wasn't there and the room is full of kids from yesterday and some who just got in today but what was more sad was the fact the group of guys i saw in the morning is in here but not Ace.

As i make my way to my seat, the door opened and Ace walk in confidently and sit in the back with the boys. Then a few minutes later, Mr Danielson walk in with some papers in his hands with a smile on his face.

"Okay we are gonna try something fun. Today the principal ask me to prepare a little entertainment for next months event."everyone cheered after he said that.

Then he gave out the papers to all of us to scan through our parts.

"So we're gonna have 2 duet songs and the last one is where we'll have a leading solo while we all sing along."everyone just shrugged at that.

"Okay what's the first song Al"Ace ask the teacher.

"So our first duet song is Wouldn't change a thing from camp rock2....which we'll have Ace and Debra, even the second song which is Whole New world."students start to murmur to each other until the group of bad boys ask loudly for other people to hear.

"Wait who's Debra?"then i step in front and raise my hand.

"I'm Debralynna Manning"and that caused the group of boys to laugh while everyone remain silent.

"I bet she can't keep up with you A" one of Ace's friends said while Ace just smirk at me in a challenging way.

"We'll see about that"i gave him the best confident look i could muster.

"Okay everyone....let's start " Alex said which we did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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