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Peter attended the general meeting where a new leader would be elected. Michelle Jones. When he left the room, all the posters about the homecoming were being removed. On one side of the corridor, Liz walked along with her mother, carrying some boxes with all her belongings. She stopped for a moment and nodded to Peter, a look being their goodbye.

And on the other side, Ned was laughing along with Nikolas. He raised his arms like a bear while imitating how his own physique was in battle. Ned was shocked with his mouth open and Nikolas moved his arms as if he were a plane, going over the details with a proud smile. Peter allowed himself to appreciate the moment, as if he wanted to forever capture those two important people in his memories. A smile was so universal that Peter knew he wanted Nikolas to have it forever. When he approached them, he put his arms on each of them and they walked hugging each other.

"Spider Trinity." Ned stopped and put his fist in the middle.

Nikolas joined with Peter being the only one remaining.

"Okay, you guys win." He surrendered, capturing a teasing smile on his face as he bumped his fist into his boys' fist.

Nikolas took a few steps towards the wall running his hand over it, as if he was trying to decipher a secret message, sliding it feeling the texture of the tiles that went towards the bathrooms.

"Is this another one of his episodes?" Ned, confused, hinted at the arachnid with a low voice. "He seems very concentrated looking at a wall?

"Someone is inside." Nikolas tapped his finger on the bathroom door, turning around before Peter asked what was wrong.

"Well yes, uhmmm....--usually people go to the bathrooms because..."

"PETER! I know why people go to the bathrooms, it's just that there's someone inside, someone who knows us and wants to talk to us." Nikolas glanced around the door. "He says now.

"I'd better go on my own then." Ned waved his hands. "We still have that lego to put together, don't forget it, okay?

The trinity split up with Peter and Nikolas walking into the bathroom. Happy was there. Nikolas smiled feeling happiness when he saw his friend there. He stayed behind Peter the entire time. Using him as a shield where he could feel protected and safe.

"I'm here to thank you personally for last night, both of you." Happy moved his gaze from Peter to Nikolas. "The suit was rented by the way, I had to pay a fee.

Nikolas shrugged his shoulders in embarrassment, for a few seconds he looked away and when he looked back at Happy, he was still looking at him.


"Fighting a man who used advanced technology was brave of you, I hope you heard that correctly because I don't plan on saying it again, for now." Happy nodded looking at his watch. "The boss wants to see you.

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