Chapter Two

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Ruby glared at her sister. "Whoops? Whoops!? Are you kidding me?!" Ruby started pacing back and forth ranting. "I bring you to the bar to have a good time and you just run off with some girl, leaving me behind to walk home alone in the dark!"

Yang scratched the back of her neck, giving Ruby a sheepish smile. "Sorry Rubbles, things happened and one thing led to another and we were, well, um..."

"Having rough sex." Blake commented from her spot on the bed with a smirk upon her face.

Yang rolled her eyes. "It wasn't that rough." Yang sighed when Blake gave her a 'yeah right' kind of look. "Okay fine, it was rough..."

Ruby groaned. "Yang, I forgive you but please don't leave me at a bar all alone again!"

Yang gave her younger sister a cheeky grin. "But you weren't alone, you had miss tall and sexy with you!" Yang's grin grew wider as she watched Ruby's face turn red from embarrassment. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask how that went."

Ruby's face was bright red and she was fiddling with her hands. "I-it went good, we talked, drank some beer and played some pool..."

Yang smirked. "Are you sure that's what you two did? From where I was standing it looked like you were sitting on her lap as she played with your hair and kissed your neck."

Ruby's face was so red at this point, Yang didn't think it could go any redder. Before Yang could try and see if she could make it any redder, Blake's alarm on her phone rang signalling that she and Yang had class in 10 minutes.

Blake stood up from the bed and set her coffee cup on the table "Hurry up Yang! We have class in ten."

Yang nodded. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Yang ran out into the hallway.

Blake shook her head "Yang! Clothes!" Blake only had to wait a few seconds before Yang came barrelling back into the room, grabbed her clothes and bolted into the bathroom.

Blake walked out of the classroom with Yang sauntering behind her slowly. Blake rolled her eyes, not even bothering to wait for the blonde, instead the Faunus girl just made her way down the hallway and to the cafeteria. 'She'll make it here eventually...' she thought.

Blake made her way over to one of the cafeteria benches where she sat with her friends Ruby, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora and her girlfriend Weiss. Blake sat down beside Weiss instantly intertwining her hands with the heiress'.

Ruby looked around the cafeteria when she noticed a lack of yellow hair. Turning to Blake, she asked, "Where is Yang?"

"She was pretty tired after class so she's slowly making her way here." Blake commented.

Nora jumped up in her seat. "Hey guys! Did you hear about the new student that's attending beacon!?" Nora noticed everyone's confused stares and sighed. "You guys never pay attention to gossip do you?"

"Well obviously we don't, but you do." Weiss stated.

"Well? Who is this new student?" Pyrrha asked.

"I haven't seen her yet, but I have heard that she doesn't speak to anyone, almost like she's mute." Nora replied.

"So, how does she speak?" Jaune questioned.

Nora shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea! No one even knows her name. All I have heard was that her hair and clothes kinda resemble neapolitan ice cream."

When Blake heard those words, she froze. "Wait, you're saying she resembled neapolitan ice cream?" Blake didn't get an answer, just a confused nod from Nora. "This girl might be the person that Yang had really rough sex with last night..."

Yang slowly trudged down the middle of the hallway, ignoring everyone who told her to move and instead, just pushed through everyone. 'I can't wait to get to the cafeteria and eat some food, I'm starving!' Yang was lost in her thoughts about food that she didn't notice the person standing right in front of her. Yang collided with whoever it was and clenched her fist ready to punch the person's lights out. "Alright, who is the idiot that thinks they can block me from getting to my food?!"

Yang didn't see anyone in front of her till she looked down into a familiar pair of mismatched colored eyes. "Oh hey, it's you!" Yang unclenched her fist. "Neo right?"

Neo gave a small nod and smirked at the few bruises and hickies she left on Yang's neck.

"What are you doing here? I never knew you went to beacon." Yang said while putting a hand on her chin as she tried to think if she had ever seen Neo in the school before, but couldn't think of a time. "Nope, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you around, so why are you here?"

Neo rolled her eyes at the blonde's idiocy and signed the words. 'I am a new student, starting today'.

Yang stared down at the much shorter girl confused. "I have no idea what you just said, I don't know sign language remember." A sudden light bulb went off in Yang's head. "But I know who might, come with me!" Yang grabbed Neo by the wrist and dragged her to the cafeteria where she instantly spotted her friends.

"Hey guys!" Yang called as she got closer to the table, no longer dragging Neo by the wrist anymore.

Blake turned her head to see Yang standing in front of the table and standing right beside her was the girl who got with Yang. "Yeah, that's her." Blake commented and everyone, except Yang and Neo, caught on to what Blake said.

"But that can't be true Blake. This sweet and innocent little girl can't possibly be the one." Pyrrha replied.

Neo twitched when Pyrrha called her sweet and innocent. Yang noticed and chuckled putting a hand on Neo's shoulder. "It's okay Neo, I know that you're not sweet and innocent, if anything you're far from!" Yang's face lit up when she remembered one of the reasons why she came to the cafeteria. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Blake do you know sign language?"

Blake gave Yang a questioning look. "Why?

"Because Neo doesn't speak and only talks using sign language. I don't know that so I need you to translate." Yang said, trying to do hand gestures that she thought was close to sign language.

Blake sighed "Fine, I'll translate for you."

"Thanks!" Yang said "So like I said before, when did you start attending beacon?"

"Is blondie always this excited and... clingy?" Neo signed.

Blake chuckled to herself and signed back "Yes."

Yang started to get confused. "Hey! You two aren't allowed to have conversations about me just because I don't know sign language."

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