Do not waste the moment with or without the people you wished to have, you must live and do not forget to smile to the world. Do not let your bad experiences ruin you
Do not regret being kind, do not regret showing good things, do not regret giving love even if you think they don't deserve it
People do not need to be deserving to be loved, they just need to see it through someone else's, they have to feel it, even if they've been cruel to you, they need it, they need love too, kindness and all the things that they could not offer to anybody and to their selves
Chess will teach you to control your emotions when you think of something good, and to be calm and think objectively when you are in trouble
To suffer emotionally is not easy, you can't escape that easily and the pain will mark in your memory
The more you let sadness to consumed you the more you become stoppable
Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You ar you, I am I
If someone makes you happy, make them happier
Sometimes you don't recognize how beautiful you are until you see yourself through the eyes of someone who truly values and loves you
The bravest thing you did was to stay alive each day