im sooo excited to go to bora bora like have you seen a picture of it. it looks beautiful, perfect even. but one thing im nervous about is what's gonna happen when I get there and while im there.
i got knocked out of my thoughts by ......... a bird?a cute little yellow, black, and white bird just chillinon the cherry blossom tree outside my window. that's when I hear one of the cutest things in the world.
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"tweet-tweet" the little bird said. "hi little bird, you are so cute" what tf am i doing im talking to a fuckingbird. should i name it?
"sunshine" i whisper. sunshine was the first name that came to my head "sunshine can u hear me?" with that sunshine turns her head around and just stares at me. "wow. smart n beautiful" I said. if i met someone like that on my trip that would be a dream. hopefully. but what if that never happens. then my head starts going crazy thinking bout all the bad things that could happen on my vacation. but i snap myself out of it and go back to sunshine. she is now my wild pet
-------------------------------------------------- Sorry if the chapters r short :( but tell me if u like it or not but I also got off topic cuz the bird wtv