Secrets are forever...

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This is my first story, so please excuse any errors... And let me know what you think! Any vote or comment is appreciated :)

Benjamin sits at his best friends kitchen table. They had grown close over the last three years, and were more like brothers than friends, Jeremy was like the older brother he'd never had. I know it sounds weird, but they had a connection, they understood each other. And what made it even better was Jeremys family had in a sense "adopted" him. They treated Benjamin as though he were always a part of their family, which was apparently very easy for them, since he was always at their house.

You see, Jeremy lived at his grandparents house, they'd raised him as their own son. The arrangement was complicated sometimes, but they always made it work. So, when Benjamin wasn't at work or sleeping, he was at Jeremys, it had become almost as much Benjamins home as his.

Benjamin was a completely normal twenty-three year old, for the most part. He didn't party to much, he'd gotten that out of the way as a teen, and he hardly ever got into any trouble. In fact he hadn't had so much as a parking ticket since he'd turned eighteen. The problem was, Benjamin only showed part of his true self to the world. There were things about him that ate at his conscience, and scarred his soul, things that nobody knew. The parts of himself he kept hidden frightened him, he wasn't sure if it was normal, but he was positive that people would never accept it. So he bottled it up, crushing his heart and killing him slowly inside.

As he sits, waiting for Jeremy to arrive, Benjamin hears the sweet laughter of Jeremys younger cousin approaching the back door. It was William. Every time Benjamin saw the beautiful boy his heart would begin to flutter, and his face got red hot. It was as if a spark had set his blood on fire, and there was no way to put it out. His heart thumped in his chest, and sweat rolled down his face. "dear lord," Benjamin thinks, "I've gotta keep myself together."

Just as Benjamin wipes the sweat of his brow, William steps through the doorway. Williams golden tanned complexion now slightly flushed, as his radiant smile illuminates the room recognizing Benjamin. William sees Benjamin staring at his innocent face, but doesn't notice the lust flickering in his eyes.

At that very moment, William darts over to the corner where Benjamin sits, and flings his arms around Benjamins neck. Screaming inside, Benjamin takes full advantage of the moment, and hugs the tender young boy with all his might. Feeling his chest pressed against the boy of his dreams fills his heart with the purest form of joy. Benjamin holds tight around the boys waist, breathing in the delicious bouquet of aromas that flood his nostrils. The boys shampoo mingled with the musky sweet scent of his sweat sends jolts down Benjamins spine, and at that second he wondered if he could ever love anyone else even half as much.

After about thirty second, which as far as he was conserned might as well have been only one, Benjamin knew he had to release his death grip, and keep up the charade. If anyone saw him, and even remotely suspected what his true feelings were, it would ruin him. While trying desperately to maintain his composure, Benjamin looks up into Williams caring eyes and asks, trying not to stutter, "so h-how was school today?" As he starts to chuckle, William quickly responds " it's Saturday, so i didn't go to school today, Duh!" Benjamin tries to play it cool, and cracks a smile, more nervous now than before. " Okay, s-so w-whats up?" He asks, hating himself a little for not coming up with something better to say.

Luckily for him William actually cares about his feelings, and doesn't comment on his thoughtless question, or his nervous stuttering. He just gives a tiny smirk, and replies, " I just thought I'd stop by and hang out with grandpa and grandma for a while, mom dropped me off, I sorta figured you and Jeremy would be here so I could play with you too!" The mere fact that William had considered whether or not he'd be there sent Benjamin over the moon.

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