Introduction- Homework :/

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I can't believe Miss Martin expects us to tanslate this stuff into Latin. NO ONE SPEAKS LATIN IN L.A. Come on Jessy, you need to concentrate. Wow my room is bright. Focus. I'll answer in English first. Okay question one.

'Name' Jessamine Mae Baines

Birthday: February 21st

Age: 16 turning 17 in February

Where do you live?: Beverly Hills with my Mum.

About you: I hate when people call me Jessamine, so people call me Jessy. I love music and have played piano since my parents slplit up when I was 8.

You could say I'm the schools golden child. I excell in all subjects except Gym, Gym for all I care can go to hell or die in hole. My best friends name is Alexander or Alex. My other friends are Lacey, Tamara, Kasey, Joel, Zach, Jake and Jenna. My dad lives in Malibu with my two brothers, William who's eighteen and Jonathan who's twelve.

okay guys this is just a little starter/introduction to the 'slendiferous' world of Jessy Baines, the first official chappie will be the next one. Okay well to sign of i guess we'll share a fun fact on our chosen animal (the one that represents our personality). please comment or email us with ideas :

Love Mi,

p.s. wolves have webbed toes that let them swim up to 8 miles ,ewww or cool?? hehe

p.p.s the picture is alyson stoner a.k.a jessy baines

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