scene 4 wirteing songs

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Mike: hm. Sing's: nadananana...

Mike: no. Um...

Chester: what are you singing Mike

Mike: a little song I'm wirteing.

Chester: oh. That's cool.

Brad comes in the scene

Brad: hey guys! Whats up?

Chester: oh hey Brad. Nothing much.

Mike: hey Brad.

Mike: were just wirteing a song

Brad: oh cool! I have my guitar.

Chester: Cool.

Mike: all right.

Dave comes in the scene too.

Dave: hey guys what are you doing?

Mike: oh just writing a song..

Chester: yeah. Even Brad is helping.

Brad: yeah

Dave: well I'm kinda glad that.

Dave: i brought my bass

Chester: oh.

Mike: well thats good

Joe walks in

Joe: hey guys

Chester: hey.

Mike: yo.

Brad: were wirteing a song.

Dave: yeah we are.

Joe: well good thing that

Joe: I brought my turntable

Rob: hey you guys.

Mike: hey were wireing a song.

Rob: cool.

Mike: *humming*

Brad: whats that your humming?

Mike: i don't know brad..

Mike: i don't know.

End of chapter 5

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