After that day.. me and louis hadn't spoken, i will admit i was being really mean and way to harsh but he's shut me out! I deserve it but still! Its been a month though..

I decided to call louis and apologize but after the 10th ring, i new he wasn't gonna pick up. I called 3 times after that but i got the voicemail each time. I sighed and fell onto my bed, i stared at the ceiling until i got a call. I looked at my phone hoping to see louis' name but instead it was jens.

"Hi" i answer.

"Come to my house now were gonna watch a movie. Were as in niall, liam, zayn, harry and jack" jen said sounding extremely excited. I mumble in response and then slowly fall off my bed to my floor.

"You ok?" I heard jen say but it was faint because my phone was still on my bed.

"Yeah im great!" I reply and after getting up and grabbing my phone.

—  —  —

When i got to jens house i knocked on the door 3 times and harry opened it.

"Oh hey, come in love" he only means it in a friendly way and thats all i except it as. When louis said it, it was a very different thing. I walk into the house then finding a seat on the couch before i noticed louis sitting on the chair across from me.

"Why is Alec here? You said she wasn't coming" louis asked jen sounding pretty mad. I dont blame him, i was a jerk.

"You need to learn to be around her, balancing you two is painful for all of us" i here jen say, shes trying to whisper but yet again failing miserably. She needs to work on that.

"Louis i know i hurt you but we need to talk, you cant ignore me forever" i look straight into his eyes and look for the oh so familiar smile that wasn't there.

"Fine you want to talk? Lets talk. How about when you completely embarrassed me after i proclaimed my frigen love to you. How about the fact that you then after turning me down decided to completely break me. You still wanna talk or can we go back to no speaking terms?" He looks back at me and the floor which makes me a little sad, the fact he cant look me in the eye anymore.. and im crying god damn it.

"You know what louis i do still wanna talk, i know you loved me and i loved you back but you cant propose after 2 months and think that ill say yes. Especially when im going to college in a month! I know i embarrassed you and im sorry but you need to know you were being insane!" I say but it quickly turned into mumbled slurs since I've started balling.

"Okay! Maybe i was being a little crazy but i showed you i loved you! Also can you stop bringing college into every single fight we have?" Louis was practically fuming now and im a little terrified.

"Its the most important thing to me right now and your asking me to stop bringing it up while were having fights about major life changing decisions!?" The tears have turned into angry shouting and everyone who was having a peaceful time on the couch has now up and left.

Me and louis yelled at each other for hours upon hours, we end up telling each other how we actually felt and how to fix it.

"Alec.. im sorry for yelling.. a lot.. but i want you to know you hurt me. Im willing to push it past me though." Louis said as nicely as he could so he wouldn't start a fight again.

"And louis.. im sorry for being so harsh and yelling and all that but i need you to know that you also shouldn't have proposed. Im also willing to forget about it..." i say then put on a small smile.

"Friends...?" Louis smiles back. THATS RIGHT I JUST GOT LOUIS TOMLINSON TO SMILE AT ME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH! THANK THE LORDS. I put out my hands and louis takes it.

"Friends" i say with my small smile growing huge.

His smile - Louis Tomlinson [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now