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I woke up and the sunlight was shining in my eyes, the sun was so bright... Always wondered why it gotta shine in my ducking face every morning

I got up from bed and went to my bathroom

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how crazy my hair looked, well I was up all night playing video games.... And studying, yes I study sometimes.

I got my toothbrush and put some paste on it and started brushing. Then I heard my name being called. "WHAT? " I yelled back at him.

"Stop taking so long and get ready, we gotta go! " Jisung yelled back at me after I replied.

"Ok ok, I'll be ready in a few minutes! " I quickly yelled back and got in the shower straight away after I finished brushing my teeth.

I got out a few minutes later, it doesn't really take me that long to shower anyways.

I dried my body and I dried my hair with a blow dryer, and just put my hand through it and ran out.

I went to my drawer and quickly picked some black jeans, black shirt with a skull in the corner, and some leather gloves.

I ran downstairs after I sprayed myself with cologne. "I'm here, let's go. " I told Jisung while putting on my completely white vans. Jisung threw me a piece of toast. I caught it and put it in my mouth while I grabbed my skateboard, same with him.

We go running outside and instantly get on our skateboards and head to the cafe we always go to. We were near and I almost bumped into someone. "Sorry dude, pay attention. " I say as I ride right past them. I hear them say 'What the fuck'

"Dude dont run anyone over today. You remember you almost ran over a squirrel?" Jisung shook his head in disappointment.

"You tryna kill my people." He faked cried.

"Now you dont mind me calling you a dumb squirrel?" I looked at him with fake shock.

"Dont be disrespectful, I'm older." He looked at me while smiling.

"By a day." I mumbled. We arrived at the cafe and saw that nobody was there so we quickly ordered what we usually get.

"Stop eating so much cheesecake, or your gonna turn into one." I joked while he looked at me while chewing his cheesecake.

"Shut up, stop talking so much." He continued eating while I looked at him while laughing.

We officially finished our food and went straight to our college building. "Finally we are here."
Jisung looked at me and started walking to the school after he looked away.

"Dont just walk away from me you small squirrel." I said while running after him and hitting him on the back on his head.

We entered the college building and saw a lot of people here already chatting with friends and passerbys. But when we came, it became super quiet. "Why everyone stop talking?" I whispered to Jisung. "I dont know man, this creeping me out." He whispered

We continued walking and ignored all the eyes staring at us and we finally made it to our homeroom. We have all the same classes except our extra classes like chorus and stuff.

We walked to the back of the classroom, and we sat down and looked around to see if we saw our friends Jeongin and Seungmin.

They officially walked in after a few minutes of me and Jisung talking about how this year was gonna be just like our senior year. Horrible....

"Hey Lee Twins, how was your summer?" Jeongin said while sitting down next to Jisung while Seungmin sat next to me. "It was alright, we did a lot of stuff...right Jisung?" I looked at Jisung and he nodded while looking at his phone.

I hit him on the back of his head. "Your not even listening." I scoffed and he glared at me.

"You guys haven't changed, oh and look there goes Chan, Changbin, and Minho." Jeongin said.

I looked over and saw the most beautiful person.

"Who is that with the purple shirt?' I pointed at the person while asking Jeongin.

"That's Changbin, why?"

"No reason." I looked away after staring for a few minutes. Seungmin and Jisung looked at me suspiciously. I shrugged it off.

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