3: I dont like her

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Muhammad's POV.
The girl I saw at Zaynab's Islamiya makes my mind think about her always. The girl which later I found her name Yusra. It's been a week since I saw her but she kept coming to my mind always. I don't like the girl but I don't really know why I'm always thinking about her. "I need to see her today" I whispered to myself .

I stood up from the couch I was sitting and headed downstairs. I saw Mamie and Abba eating breakfast happily.

" Khalipha, is this the right time to wake up from sleep fi sabilillah" Mamie asked adjusting her eye glasses to look at me.

     My name is Muhammad Ibrahim Ishaq popularly known as Khalipha. I was born into the family of Mr and Mrs Ibrahim Ishaq being the first born. I have one younger sister Zaynab. My father is a dentist while my mom is a house wife. I'm currently an engineer.

Back to the novel
"I didn't sleep well last night so I slept after Fajr" I answered looking at Mamie but she did not even utter a word.

" Good Morning Abba" I greeted him giving him a warm smile.

" Morning Khalipha, how was your night? Abba asked smiling back.

" It was Alhamdulillah" I replied biting my burger.

It was Sunday and there was no work so I decided to visit my friend Othman. I called him to confirm if he was at home.

" Assalamu Alayka" I greeted putting my black sneakers on.

" Wa'alai kassalam" he replied sarcastically.

" I'm on my way to your house, are u at home? I asked running down the stairs.

" No, but I will be back soon" .

I told Othman everything about Yusrah and he advised me to talk to her first then collect her number ( I don't like her fah😂) .

I left Othman's house and decided to pick Zaynab from school.

I waited for a couple of minutes before she came out. I noticed she wasn't with Yusrah so I asked her when she entered the car.

" Yau kuma ina friend din ta ki? I asked abstracting my comb .

" She was absent for a reason I don't know" she replied adjusting her seat belt.

I went home and kept thinking about her so I decided to look for her phone number. I went to zee's room and found her writing something which was I don't know . I said my Salam and went inside directly. I sat down close to her.

" Lafiya? Kaine yau kuma kake nema na" She asked rolling her eyes.

" can't I look for my baby" I asked just to annoy her Cox I knew she have warned me times without number to stop calling her baby. I hope she was annoyed.

" Ya Khalipha I'm no more a baby fah" She said childishly.

" ok mother" I said laughing while she joined me.

" ok to tell me what brought you to my room now " she said resting her head on my shoulder.

" I want you to give me an advice" I said patting her back.

" I just always think about your islamiya friend and I don't know why" I added. Zaynab just sat down looking at me surprisingly like never.

" Oh just go straight to the point, just tell me that you love Yusrah" she chuckled.

" No I told you I just don't know why but I don't even like her talk less of to love her" I said sounding annoyed. Zaynab kept laughing at me ( I just sometimes think why she wasn't even admitted to a psychiatrist wlh)

" Ok Ok I will tell you something" she added in between the laughter.

" ok tell me" I said moving closer to her.

" You see Yaya, you can't be always thinking of a girl and say you don't like her. You must like her , Must. So now say Zaynab I Love Yusrah" She said Laughing the more.

I just stood up so annoyed and was about to go out when she shouted " My Yaya is in love" . I didn't even look at her instead I went back to my room. I was still thinking about what Zaynab told me.

I prayed isha and changed to my pajamas and slept off

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Thank you 🙏 Love from Ameerah Kurfi.

Note: Muhammad don't like Yusra😂😂😂

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