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JooChan's POV

"Oit, JooChan, are you coming with us or not?" my friend called out for me. I quickly shoved my notebook into my backpack and slung it over my left shoulder while my violin case rest on my right shoulder.

"Oh-uh, coming" I answered while walking towards them. We joked around while making our way to the cafeteria.

"Do you know what's the capital of Singapore?" DongHyun suddenly asked.

"Isn't Sydney?" I answered softly, not confident with my words.

"Yah, it's Singapore," a familiar voice was heard suddenly. It was JiBeom's.

"I got confused due to Sydneyporeans," I said while others were greeting JiBeom who just came.

Okay, guys. That's a sneak peak of what my high school day was like. Fancy meeting you here, my name is JooChan, the main character of my life. Yes, I studied in art department along with my 4 friends. Well, our gang (group of besties) consisted 10 people including me, 5 of us were already graduated, that made only 5 of us who were stuck in this school. JaeHyun,DongHyun,Bomin and me studied art stream while JiBeom studied science stream.

About what kind of person am I... I would like to describe myself as a fun person and also artistic(?). It's not that I was that good but I enjoyed doing what I was doing right now. I thought I have this obvious passion regarding art. Drawing, playing instruments, making stuff... I just simply enjoyed all those kinds of stuff.

Being an art student didn't mean that I don't have to perform well academically. My teacher said that there would be better chance for us in the future if we do good in academic. So, I put effort in studies but I put more effort in art.

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