Chapter 12

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Jane POV

''This is very sad. Why did she had to die?'' I said wiping my tiers from my eyes.

''That is life, we cannot do any about dead.'' Alex replied.

''Life is so unfair, she just found love and....''

''Are you crying?'' He asked cutting me off.

''No, I'm not, something went in my eyes.''

''That's why I didn't want to watch this movie.''

I am still in Alex's house and we were watching a movie called, a walk to remember.
It's four now and I want to leave but it is raining really hard. And I hate driving went it rains.

''Let's watch something else.''

''What do you think about documentary?'' Alex question.

''That will be great.'' I answered.


I was getting very tire so I lay down on sofa.

''You can come to the bed, is big enough for two people.'' Alex suggested patting the bed.

''Thanks, but I am fine here.'' I replied getting comfortable.

He sigh and put his attention back to the television.

''You said we needed to talk. What was it about?''

Why is he asking me this again, is all my fault, I shouldn't have called him.

''Forget about it.'' I said with a little bit annoyance in my voice.

''If you needed to talked back then. What wrong with now?'' He continued.

''Please understand that I don't want to do it anymore.''

''Is it something bad?''

''No, is not. Well maybe it will be bad for you.''

''You are making me curious.'' He muttered.

''When the time is right, I will tell you.'' I whisper staring at him who was already looking at me.

''I missed you.'' He voiced and I my face away from him because this really hurts.

There was an awkward silence between us. What should I say, that I missed him too. No, I cannot let him come back in my life just like that.

I didn't know when I fell asleep, but I did.

I could hear Alex shouting my name. I walked towards his bed and his eyes were close, and he kept shouting my name.

''Alex wake up your have a bad dream.'' I said touching his face.

He grabbed me on the waist and I fell on his chest. He was sneezing me very close to his body.

''Alex wake up.'' I said once again while his hands were getting tightened on my waist.

''Alex, you're hurting me!'' I shouted this time waking him up. His face was completely in sweat and he had a scary look on his face.

''Are you okay?'' He asked breathing heavily.

''I should be the one asking you that.'' I got up from his chest and sat beside him on the bed.
''It felt so real, we were happy and suddenly  you.....'' Tiers started falling from his eyes.
''You don't have to talk about it, it's just a dream.'' I let him lay his head on my chest.


''Hm.'' I replied running my fingers trough his hair.

''Please don't leave me, if you do, I won't be able to live without you.''

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